One day while I was playing Gears of War 2 on Horde, and I thought, "How cool would it be if Horde was in Halo 3!" I got thinking and decided to make it. Blood Drive is a map from Gears of War 2 that consists of a large stone base for the COG soldiers, and smokey area that the locust walk out of (but I couldn't get the smoke). The humans objective is to survive as long as possible, and the infected are trying to, well, infect the humans. Overview of "Blood Drive" This is where the "Torque Bow" spawns This is where a COG can snipe Where the magnum spawns Sniper Spawns here This is the "Boomer" spawn area That's where the "Locust Snipers" spawn The puny "Wretch" spawn A place for the Locust to snipe from DOWNLOAD IT!! "Blood Drive" map - : Halo 3 File Details "Horde" game - : Halo 3 File Details
In short: NeEdZ m0aRr InTerL0cKZz Well basically you look like you've spent about 1 hour maximum on the map and about 30 seconds doing the map post. If you want to win the contest you are going to have to create something more advanced than this. Don't worry though you still have plenty of time, maybe look into ghost merging and try Sandbox it's much better.
Seriously? 1 hour max? What's your problem? This map took me 3 days to get it right! So don't make fun of my maps! I also know how to ghost merge, but foundry looked better than sandbox. But it sort of looks like I took a few hours to make it. But not all of it! By the way, did you even download it and look around before you quoted on how bad it was? That's what I thought!
Dude, calm down. He did not say anything bad about your map that isn't true. He commented that your map doesn't have much interlocking, and that it looks poor. He never commented on gameplay, so the whole "Download before commenting" excuse doesn't work. I think your map has a lot of potential, so I'd recommend you look in the "Forging 101" section of the forums for advice on how to make your map the best it can be. Remember, Gameplay > Aesthetics, but it doesn't hurt to have both. Understand that JFox didn't try to be mean to you, and that his post wasn't really mean either. A lot of users here can probably make something of similar quality to your map in under an hour. I understand how it must feel to have something you worked on so hard mocked, but that doesn't make up for your reaction.
I did download it just so that I could waste my 100th post mark on this, like he said before it needs more interlocking/ geomerging. From my calculations there are a whopping 0 interlocks on this map, believe me it shows. Also what did you mean about you could've ghost merged but you didn't because you did this on foundry, well uhhhh......... Im not sure what to say to that.
It doesn't need to be on Sandbox to ghost merge objects... I would agree though, the map consists of very simple structures made by just leaning objects on eachother. All or most of the structures on Blood Drive could be made with ghost merging, but you made them out of barricades.
You can ghost-merge in any map that has immovable objects. With that out the way, the lack of interlocking could affect gameplay sometimes, i.e, bumpy surfaces, escape opportunities, etc. And you might be going against some impressive maps and this won't fare well.
actually, i said i know how to ghost merge. I made this on foundry beacause it looked better than sandbox --- omg! does anybody have anything good to say about my map! I mean this is my first map post and you guys are taking it like World War 3!!!!
No they aren't, you are. They're offering you tips on how to bring your map up to it's fullest potential and you're flipping out. Just take the advice, try it out, and see what happens. What you'll find is a lot more people who will want to play your map. No one (at ForgeHub) wants to play a sloppy map.
It seems like it has potential. But playing a lot of Gears 2 it seems to be nothing like the map. For example: #1 (and this isn't bad because I know how tiresome it is to get screenshots posted) You didn't give us another image of the other side of Blood Drive. I know the Map is symmetrical in Gears but the way you made it makes it seem so short. #2 (again not a bad thing as some objects prevent you from making what you actually want) There is no sniper tower, and it is just an opening by the starting spawn. #3 (Locust thing idea, I just don't know what to call it, but it isn't a bad thing) If you made a Gears of War 2 Horde mode (like I did) you know that in infection you can have one Alpha Zombie with different traits from the rest. For exampe I made the Boomer have 200% health 25 % speed and a Rocket Launcher, but the Locust had normal health, Grenades, Assault Rifle, and Shotgun (the normal grenadier) but I do think that I will have to try your way of a class setup. Im going to download it and try it out
The gameplay is actually suprisingly good for a GoW remake! I got a game with six people and it was damn good, but i have two things that appear to be what is being repeated by everyone else; 1) The map is built so sloppily that it actually takes away from the gameplay! Sometimes players would get stuck in the goemetry when trying to avoid the zombies and get killed... Also, about 60% of forgehubbers are not well versed enough in gameplay to truly rate that or they simply rate based on the pictures, so they base it largely on aesthetics; "It looks good in the picz so it must be an amazing map :O." Or in your case not looking at it because of the poor aesthetics. Second, i agree that Foundry looks better, but Sandbox has about 100x more space to work with, and that is very noticable when playing this map. It just feels too small. Finally, its rather easy to camp the zombie spawn points, and that has some negative effects on gameplay for the zombies. However, eventually one will get out and rape the **** outta the defenders so its not a game ending injury. In short, learn to Ghost Merge (if you need any help with that pm me, i know way too much about it, including a quicker way to do it, thanks to a huge amount of luck 0.o) and build it in a way so that it seems mucho grande in comparison to what you already have.