Sandbox Trench War V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Spl1nt3rC3ll, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. Spl1nt3rC3ll

    Spl1nt3rC3ll Forerunner

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    This is the second version of my map "Trench War"
    Honest feedback appreciated! I haven't been able to test this map with a large amount of players.

    Trench War V2 : Halo 3 File Details Must be played with the "Trench Warfare" gametype: : Halo 3 File Details

    The map is a long, narrow field with deep trenches containing territories. An underground tunnel runs from one end to the other and connects each trench. However, the tunnel becomes fully boarded up after a certain amount of time to force players to use the surface trenches (as opposed to a few line of sight blocking boards in the start of the round). After 60 and 90 second intervals, craters will appear on the surface to provide extra cover and block line of sight. Each team has a starting bunker at the end of the field where they can choose a weapon and man turrets. A stationary wraith simulates artillery fire. V2 allows the player to exit the Wraith safely. In between the furthest trench from each base lies the vast and dreaded "no man's land." Fusion coils rain down upon this area to simulate mortar barrages. If you are smart, you can cross no man's land safely.

    Players must fight to capture territory. The territories do not lock, so defend what you have. The current health settings are low with no shields. You can adjust this to your liking.

    Craters appear at the 60 and 90 second mark.

    Start of the round, no craters:

    The photos above are taken of the map without the gloom filter as it is easier to see the details. If you want to play without the filter, you can delete it or download "Trench War V2 L" from my fileshare. (L for lighted.)
    #1 Spl1nt3rC3ll, Jun 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2010
  2. DracoStraybyrn

    DracoStraybyrn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks legit. Definite download.

    Reminds me of Social Studies 9. Heh.
  3. Spl1nt3rC3ll

    Spl1nt3rC3ll Forerunner

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    Thanks! Unfortunately, I ran out of $$$ (2 left over) so the changes aren't too dramatic. Let me know how this version plays, I haven't been able to thoroughly test it. I wasn't sure how much time should pass before the craters should appear, so let me know if they should appear faster or later in the game.
  4. T14P Legend

    T14P Legend Forerunner

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    Unfortunately it didn't play well (for me at least). It seemed like too much was going on at once and nobody but me that was playing read this description. They kept wanting to play a different custom so the test wasn't a very good one. I thought the wraith thing was cool. I got a kill off that. I just think that for everything thats going on, everybody needs to read your description before playing it. It would be good then.
  5. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    It's not that you did a bad job on this (cos you didn't), it's just that I wanna say I've seen Trench Warfare roll across this page about as much as Nacht die Untoten.

    Now I will say that the way your trenches are made is unique. The incline to the top is a nice touch. Gives the trench goer a chance to defend themselves before jumping into the madness.

    I like the craters as well. It's a nice attempt to add some dynamic elements in that actually help in gameplay. That, and the routes that seal off every so often forcing trench goers to ascend as well as the reigning fusion coils (though a bit much sometimes).

    It's a well executed, overdone concept.
    Try using the same techniques used in this and branch out into something a little less linear (alliteration =D)
  6. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    overall, i love the map, but if somehow you added a way for players to be "paratroopers" for the first spawn and drop from above the trenches, i think that would greatly benefit the authenticity of the map and gameplay.
  7. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    I have no problem with the map, it looks cool. I'm honored if this is based off trenchwars, but if it is, could you at least say so? I'd appreciate it.
    #7 Izano Slayer, Jun 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2010
  8. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    YouTube - Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 44) Warfare 1918

    Piggy backing off of what Izano Slayer said...... This looks way too much like our map Warfare 1918.... The video is of our map featured on Halo 3 Forges. This is simply to prove even more that this is very much like our game.
  9. Spl1nt3rC3ll

    Spl1nt3rC3ll Forerunner

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    Sorry, didn't realize there was already a trench map. I was watching All Quiet on the Western Front and figured it'd be neat to make a map based on trench warfare. That, and i'm a stickler for history.

    They do look similar, though. Cool that yours got featured by an important(?) group of people. I'll have to watch more episodes.

    Edit: Are the pictures not showing? I can't see them anymore...
    #9 Spl1nt3rC3ll, Jun 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2010
  10. LieutenantLambo

    LieutenantLambo Ancient

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    Don't worry about it, just idiots that think that once a map is made, nothing like it can ever be made after, otherwise they are "automatically stealing it". Your idea was original as it has barely been done before.

    And yeah, your pictures are down. Use the guide in my signature.
  11. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    I read back the posts, and we do sound like idiots. It didn't come across right... I didn't mean to accuse. I just wanted to know if you were inspired by trenchwars... If so, I would be happy. But it's look and location are so similar, when I saw the picture my "STEALERZ!!" alarm went off. Hope you understand.
  12. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Well, we never stated that he stole our map. We simply said it looks very similar to our map. We just wanted to know if he based it off of our map. Because, in the title it says, "Trench War V2". So it could be a V2 to our map, or a second version of his own map. How were we to now which one...... We couldn't. So we asked. Simple as that. We stated why we thought so, but we never assumed that he stole our idea.
    Izano Slayer and I had talked it over and come to the conclusion that he probably just happened to make a map like ours, but we still wanted to know if it was based off of ours. Do you understand Lambo?

    GOG TOXIC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's a great movie and no your pics aren't showing.
    Fix the pics and then because I like the concept I'll read through your post.
  14. Spl1nt3rC3ll

    Spl1nt3rC3ll Forerunner

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    No problem, I understand.

    How'd you get your map to be so large? From what I've seen in the video, it looks way longer than mine. I ran out of blocks and $$$ at this size. In fact, the only real change I could do between V2 and the old version was add a few craters and adjust some small things.
  15. LieutenantLambo

    LieutenantLambo Ancient

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    Fair enough, and I do know that it sucks to have other people get credit for your idea, but you need to make 100% sure that they are copying your map exactly using the same ideas and objects before you make any accusations.
  16. Jo351

    Jo351 Ancient
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    Looks great and feels like so many of its kind. Timed events are unique but I need something more to download, something new.
    I had the same concern as Zombie Kitten and Izano Russia with a copy of their map. (note: I gave credit and got permission for my map) For length and width it helps to use OLN objects and spawn/objective items, for budget just deleting some useless or unimportant items helps.

    From the pictures it appears you did not Geomerge/Ghostmerge this could help smooth the map and make it look better IMO.
    #16 Jo351, Jun 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2010
  17. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    looks good i like the tunnel idea as well as the wraith artillery and mortar barrages. well done definite dl for me

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