Reach: Two Discs?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Noxiw, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    It hasn't been confirmed (That I know of) but I reeeeallly feel like Reach is going to come standard on two discs. They're cramming ALOT of poop into Reach, and I just don't see how it'll all fit within a single disc. (Unless Bungie has super comprression hax.)

    Campaign (Who knows how long)
    Matchmaking / Custom Games (They go hand in hand, it's basically the lobby that's the only thing different on disc, the rest is based out of their servers.)
    Ultra-map-maker-plus. (I made that one up, but who knows what else they may include that they've kept secret.)

    I know that the multiplayer maps are taken from campaign, but... I just feel like there SO MUCH STUFF. Actually, they probably can fit it on one disc, I guess it's just wishful thinking that they don't. (I.E. They have so much content, they need two.)

    Do you think it'll all fit on one disc? Do you hope that it doesn't all fit on one disc? Opinions?
    #1 Noxiw, Jun 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2010
  2. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Now that you mention it, it probably will be on two disks. Just think about ODST. That had two disks and didn't have as much stuff as Reach will.
  3. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    They had two seperate disks because there was two seperate games. Different code, different weapons, and a whole different physics system. They wont need to do that on reach, you have no idea the amount of **** they can fit on one game. Ever play oblivion? It runs on a similair system (strain wise) and it all fits on one disk; one of the largest game worlds ever created. Bungie wont have anything that takes up so much space like that, because they arent creating a dynamic game.
  4. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Damn, YoYo's got a point. Oblivion was HUGE. Bungie could easily fit this game on one disc.
  5. MousseMooseROCKS

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    It's just hard to completely fill up one disk. :)
  6. Foehammar419

    Foehammar419 Forerunner

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    YoYo does have an excellent point. I've played Oblivion for a longgg time and I can definitely say that the world is ginormous.

    But what about all of the hi-res textures? And meshes? I mean, that's really a lot of stuff to fit on one disk, don't ya think? I don't believe Oblivion has better textures than the ones that we have seen so far in Reach. Plus the textures in Reach are supposed to be like three times larger than Halo 3 textures or something like that.

    So yes, I think it will be on two discs.
  7. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Here is the math: new physics and graphics engines that allow it to be compressed 15x more than halo 3. It's three times as good on the graphics and has aboutthe same amount of gameplay; therefore they could quintuplicate the game on the disk, and THEN take ip the same amount pf space as halo 3. Instead of doing that, they are adding the more Memory intensive things that they always wanted to, such as space battles. So, it will easily all fit in one disk, unless they extend the campain from 20 hours to 100 hours, which isn't happening in a linear story (unless it's legend of dragoon...)
  8. Foehammar419

    Foehammar419 Forerunner

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    Oh I never would have thought that the new physics/graphics engine allowed for greater compression. I only thought that they were useful for how objects and textures interact with eachother. It's pretty obvious now that I think about it.
    Great point YoYo.
  9. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I would be okay with that. Like I had said in the OP, I'm sure they'll be able to fit it all on one disc, I do, however, hope that they can't because there is SO much content. :) Wishful thinking I suppose. =P
  10. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Unless Reach uses Mass Effect's "Pre-render everything in space so it looks magnificent but takes up one whole disk" strategy, then I doubt it will end up on two discs.
  11. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    To be honest, although it would be nice to have a game jam packed with awesome features that means it needs to take up 2 whole discs, I would much prefer to have the game on one disc, because although there may be alot more cool features they can't fit on, in my opinion, what we already know we are getting is enough, especially because of the thousands of possibilites each feature gives us.
  12. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    it'll probably be on one disk. By reusing the multiplayer levels in campaign they can practically double the maps in each. The game engine itself isn't all that big, and they spent a couple years simply optimizing it, so it's probably smaller, faster, and more complex.

    Bungies good, they've been working with Xbox for a long time now, they know how it works very passionately with a long history. If bungie thought they could need 2 disks, they'd do 2 disks. But they 2 disks is kind of annoying. The ODST works because it's essentially 2 seperate entities, ODST and Halo 3 multiplayer, so they don't need to be on the same disk. But you gotta admit by having seperate disks you rarely play ODST. Think about what it would be like if they were on the same disk and you could quickly switch back and forth from firefight, might get more play.

    Though it would be nice if they included a super amazing level editor on a separate disk :)
  13. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    This. All the campaign and multiplayer levels are the same so it won't take up too much space on the disc. On top of that two discs will be exactly like ODST where people only use the multiplayer disc because everyone's lazy and doesn't like switching disks.

    firefight would be played so much more if everything was on one disk.
    I hope they keep it one disc.

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