Sandbox Qisaira v2.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by FallRise, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. FallRise

    FallRise Forerunner

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    Welcome to Qisaira v2.0


    Features Taken Away

    • Sniper Pit
    • Random Boxes Outside The Map (No more getting outside of the map)
    • No More Trick Teleporter
    Features Added

    • More Weapons
    • Open Sniper Pit
    • More Coverage
    • A completely new room
    Game-types Taken Away

    • VIP
    • Juggernaut
    • Terroritories
    • Infection
    Hopefully this will add more flavor to the Map and increase its potential in becoming a Featured Map. (That would be Awesome).

    In this map you have less cover, as a sniper. More cover not as a sniper, hopefully the more open surroundings and cover areas provide better gameplay without lowering the aesthetics of the map. Have Fun!

    DL: : Halo 3 File Details

    Whats Next? - [​IMG]

    A Sandtrap Puzzel Map
  2. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Query: Why build the map in the skybubble if it wasn't going to make use of the sky, or was to be contained by walls? It would've saved such resources if it were built in the Crypt.

  3. FallRise

    FallRise Forerunner

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    Good Idea! That'll be in Qisaira 3.0
  4. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    You did make some much needed changes from the original, just make sure you're not rushing anything just to get it on here.
  5. FallRise

    FallRise Forerunner

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    I'm not trying to rush, if your talking about the new blue room, I couldnt align the last wall right b/c of Microsofts lame rotational system.

    BTW whats your rating on this verison?
    3/4??? :D
    #5 FallRise, Jun 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2010
  6. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please update the v1 thread the next time, you posted v2 4 hours after you released v1. I highly doubt that you tested it at all and the changes you made are not that drastic.

    The Map itself looks rather sloppy, especially the floor, listen to moxus and forge it son the ground or even in the crypt the next time, the default floor is always cleaner than anything we can forge and you save a lot of objects and budget.
    I really dislike the grav lift, when you walk in it, you get pushed at the roof if you don't slow down or stop moving at all, that really slows down the game and makes the lift annoying.

    I really like some of your ideas, Qisaira doesn't feel to sterile like some other Maps do, if you are able to keep this feeling on your Maps while improving on your forging you would have a fan in my. Study Forging 101, 201 and Death YoYos Weapon Theory before you forge again, then go built something epic, you have the requirements to do so.
  7. FallRise

    FallRise Forerunner

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    Its funny because I read all of those things you told me too. And The release was more of an upgrade that companys do in 4 days after something came out b/c they realized there was a bug in it.

    Your supposed to destroy the gravlift btw so you can knock down the sniper at the top of the map. Making it a greater risk to get the sniper if people see it get knocked down, based on Death YoYo's Weapon Theory.

    Also, How are the Aesthetics in v2? I was hoping I wouldn't lower it.
    #7 FallRise, Jun 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2010

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