IF you could play around with the halo 3 source code to change stuff, what would you like to do? me- transport warthog in customs, multiteam flag and bomb games, and modding the brute jetpack for spartan use. jetpacks in halo 3!!!! I also thought it'd be awesome if you could have 16 player campaign sessions, where the 12 leftover after a team of 4 all spawn as enemies
If I could actually understand the source code perfectly, then I would make grenades so that they blow up and shoot rockets everwhere.
I would sit there in awe of the hundreds and thousands of lines of code O.O Lol yea I would make more skulls
I can do all of this. The brute jetpacks work by changing gravity in a certain direction (thats how they jump sideways so damn fast,) and there is no possible way to control this in game. Sorry bro.
I've thought about this many times: kidnap Jeff Steitzer and have some fun changing the announcer comments. EDIT: on that subject, try changing your Xbox language setting to something really weird then load up H3 and play some CTF or something, foreign announcers are pretty funny.
lol speaking about that, whenever i have host all of the players in my game are treated to my sexy voice saying something amusing o.0
Yeah changing the commentators voice or the words they say would be halarios. G-G-G-Get to the Pelican! lol