That is really the idea isn't it. My whole focus was to increase playability but without the notice of other's, maybe I should have a little mini contest to see if someone can find all the changes I made.
Oh, first you download the pictures from your profile to your computer. Save them in a file so you know where they are. THen, make an account on an image hosting site, I personally use Then, after you upload the images you can select them and it will provide you a url for the image. Then, take that url and copy and paste it into that text box that pops up when youy click the image icon while posting. If you need any more help just PM me.
Brute Captain I was woundering if I could use your overhangs in my second version of "Until Darkness" which is based on Ghost town as well I think you overhangs could work well on my map as it gets darker and the zombies attack. Well I sent you a FR if you want to get a sneak peak at "Until Darkness version2" The first ghost town map to get darker as you play it. I hope to play with you soon.
Yeah dude sure, I kinda though want you to to maybe mention in your thread when you post your map to give me credit. It isn't that big of a deal but feel free to use the idea...
Yeah no problem I just wanted to get your permission to use your idea and inncorporrate it into my map. I am going to have "the other dark" post my map for me since I am not very good at posting maps and I will make sure he/we give credit to you for your part. I would have asked the same for the people that use my tecnique of having a game get darker as you play making the game seem like its taking place over a days period. If you accept my FR I'll be happy to show you the map before its posted probably tommorow if your online. I'll see you aroun then Brute captain. -Eyeless Sid [my gamertag]
Haha. I checked the pics before I read. But you made it so convincing, I couldn't make out too many differences. Nice work on blending every aspect together to make it looks so real
looks great. like the changes you made. it made all the changes seem like natural additions to ghost town