I picked all of them... lol. But I would have to say Glitching/ Going new places and just randomly building maps...
what do you mean "even soccer balls"? they are easily the best part of forge! actually i like merging map geo, but only when it works, otherwise it's extremely frustrating.
Because you never usually see a real competitive map with Soccer balls. But there are ways to put them in the map effectively.
Yes, I should have, but i was sleepy and forgot *sad face*. PLus soccer ballz are easily the best part. Go Bungie for being random!
I'll tell you what my LEAST FAVORITE thing about forge is: THE FACT THAT BUNGIE HAS YET TO GIVE US A FREAKIN' SQUARE BOX! And no, the boxes from Foundry don't count because they have rounded edges. And don't get me started on the boxes they gave us for the Legendary Map Pack. Talk about a let-down... --dc
I think interlocking is one of the most important things possible. The newest map I'm making uses a quite a bit of interlocking.