Foundry Gluxx

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ElfeSPARTAN 87, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. ElfeSPARTAN 87

    ElfeSPARTAN 87 Ancient

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    #1 ElfeSPARTAN 87, Jun 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2010
  2. AARC Forgers

    AARC Forgers Forerunner

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    this map needs moar ghosting and should be cleaned up
  3. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Good merging.. kinda sloppy interlocking..
    This is for assassin? Theres pretty much 2 open sides with merged single boxes.. of course the assassin is going to camp in the middle of the map.. keep the map fair for both teams or for humans and zombies..
    Good that you kept the map symmetrical.. but add more to the sides with the powerdrainer..
  4. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    Yeah I agree with turtle, the interlocking is kinda sloopy. I don't like the random geomerged open single boxes you have laying around. You should put different cover up because those just arent looking very good sorry. Fix those a youve got a decent map. Also add weapons list please helps everyone see if the weapons are fair thanks.
  5. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
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    the interlocking is very sloppy. i feel like i dont get a very good view of this map. pretty good job ghosting. just make sure you delete all the extras, it looks like you may have forgotten some,
  6. ROFLwaffleP133

    ROFLwaffleP133 Ancient
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    Assassin = Slayer en français

    I have yet to download it, so my review is not entirely valid, but the flow actually looks fairly decent. The scenery is choppy in some areas, but otherwise it looks very nice. If there's a way to the top of the center structure, I can't find it. :p
  7. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Your map layout is pretty unique, but it may be an idea like all others have said is to clean up your interlocking, your geo merging or ghost merging(one of the 2) are a lot better then your interlocking. When making a map take your time it's not a race make sure you have everything in the place where you want it to be. Also add a weapon and equipment list and also a description of the map, so people may have an idea on what gameplay will be like.

    Just fix up your interlocking and a few geo and ghost merging spots to try get them as straight as you can and you should be fine.
  8. NiftyPEN

    NiftyPEN Forerunner

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    If you could add some info on the weapons that would be better
    and some action pictures. If you don't have any action pictures
    maybe you should test it before posting it. Also like the others
    said, it does look a little sloppy and there could be a lot of
    camping in those buildings. Over all, good layout but maybe
    make a V2 with more doors in the buildings for less camping. 8/10
    #8 NiftyPEN, Jun 23, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2010
  9. ElfeSPARTAN 87

    ElfeSPARTAN 87 Ancient

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    Thank you for your remarks to me will you action photos and a list of weapons on this map.
  10. sum1youdontknow

    sum1youdontknow Forerunner

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    Ummmmm..... What are you trying to say?
    Anyways, looks pretty good except for the emptiness and sloppy interlocks.

    My suggestion: On the sides with the power drainers, add something like little ledges or something that would allow for a good view and would take up some space.
  11. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Hmm, I kind of appreciate you haven't made any maps before but personally I think this looks kind of small. Also I disagree with just ghost-merging a single box open upside down because it's not very imaginative and looks ugly.

    Two powerdrain??!!11!
    what madness is this??? ^_^

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