Hello all Forgehub viewers, what I present to you is an Infected game played on a constructed building. This building was once used as living space that got deserted and now the zombies roam it. The stats. of the Zombies and Humans are basically the same as Infection, but some differences in gravity and health regeneration. The gametype is pretty triky so Ill explain it. If you have 4 players - 3 zombies 8 players - 6 zombies 12 players - 9 zombies 16 players - 12 zombies These numbers are just to assure that players have more fun. Download Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Download Gametype: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Here is a pick of the Map overview The survivors, or humans spawn outside the main door and have to survive as long as possible. Two boards spawn at the entrance after 30 sec. to help the humans or give them an advantage. As you can see there is a board of the window, but that doesnt stop the Zombies. Health Packs (Regenerators) are also very important on survival because Humans do not regain health. There are four located inside that building in numerous locations. As you walk in there is a door but you cannot go through it. Or can you? Of course you can, After a good 120 sec of defense and camping to survive and Gravity Lift spawns and pushes the rocks out of place. Destroy the lift and it will be accessible throughout the round. As you take a left you will see a fireplace which was constructed for the Zombies advantage. This is used as a secret way for the Zombie to enter the building without being noticed. Also, there are certain points which you can use to hold off the Zombies. Such as Here, which is one of the best spots because you have a clear view must of the building. But you might wanna look everywhere, watch out! There are also roof holes that can be used as flank routes for Zombies. Here is another spot. This room is unlocked after the 120 sec dorr opens and you walk down a hall. This room is stocked with more weapons and other useful things. As you play you might come across the Electric Room, which contains an electric operated weapon and grenades. You may find the enterance to the basement as well. (If you cant get in crouch and move to the right side) Zombies spawn in the back of the building and are able to come into the front so, hurry and get into saftey. Zombies are also given a custom powerup which will turn them into Mutants. Being a Mutant will make them stronger and faster. Here is one action shot Weapons - 4x BR 3x SMG (I think) 2x Brute Shot 2x Shotgun 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Magnum (All start with Magnum) 1x Sentinel Beam Grenades - Numerous Frag 2 Firebomb 2 Plasma 1 Spike *It also tends to get dark but thats an effect that I wanted to happen. Hope you have fun! Comment!
Before I get further into my comment, I want to state that FX look really good in-game, but when taking your pictures it's often times a lot easier for people to distinguish things about your map when they are not on. So for getting more downloads sake, you should probably get some non-FX pictures up so that you don't have people complaining about it. I'll get some games going within the hour and get back to you with the gameplay review. But as for now, I have a concern about the gametype. As stated in your post you said that the traits of the zombies and humans are about the same. My concern here comes from the fact that theres more zombies to start with than there are humans. When playing regular infection, it can be quite hard to kill a zombie, even with a shotgun without risking letting them get close to you. Also, do the humans have more health than normal (I ask because of the healthpacks), if so, that may balance out the zombies having regular health. So those are going to be my main focusues when I get a game going. Now, onto the aesthetics. I absoluetly love infection maps like this. Maps that are boarded up to give a truely realistic feeling apocalypse and utter chaos. From the pictures you've shown, it seems like you paid a lot of attention to balance between the humans and zombies. This is a definite plus because like anyone whose ever played on an infection map with one entrance for the zombies knows, it gets boring fast. It looks like you've constructed a truly eerie playing field and I can't wait to see if the gameplay is in sync with it.
There is a problem with your Health Pack, if you set human's regen to O% it won't regen, I know because i've tried it... You have to set it at least to the minimum(but not 0%) if you want to use Regenerator as health pack.
You are righyt, I should have probably taken better pictures but whats done is done. The do look very good though. I also meant by the traits are near the same. I meant regular Infectino to Mutants. I only tweeked a couple of things. And you were wondering about the difficulty, yes it is meant to be hard for the humans, because you have to work as a team or have strategies. About the health regeneration... I realized I accidently put the wrong gametype on and there is no regeneration. My recomendation would be to just change it so your health regains at 50%
I played a few rounds of this with 6 people. I have to say, I had my doubts and I thought the humans would have no chance, but sure enough the gametype played out quite well. Although like you just mentioned, having 50% health regeneration would've been nice. Some of my teammates thought there were a few too many effects on; I didn't really mind because it set up a scary atmosphere, which is what infection needs in most occasions. And the room with the fusion coils was primarily used as a trap (which had it's positives and negatives). Overall, it was an interesting experience, and I can only imagine what it would be like with a full party. Hope to see more! 3/4
Thank you for your positive comment, and I did explain I put the wrong gametype in without 50% Regeneration. That was my mistake. Please keep commenting.
The map looks Really nice, it looks like it should be a **** zombies type map, or judgment. and the dark red reminds me of Gears of war. buy yeah back to the map, a top down picture would be nice, givin you never get a full view of the building. also the gravity lift in one of your pictures holding the 2 blocks up isn't what i would of done, i would of merged a man cannon into the wall near it, just so it wouldn't clutter. but hay from the pics it looks to be a nice map 6.8/10 <Going off post ?/10 <After playing it (To be edited)