Usually, by now, one would already improve on his sig making skills. In your case, however, this does not apply. What's with the grass/spike effect over the dude? Why did you pick a bg that does not (AT ALL) go well with your render? You are really testing the patience of the people who are actually trying to help you despite your ignorance.
agreed. i was gone for what? 2 months... zero improvement. i went completely out of my way for you, more than i have for anyone on this site ever. your just not grasping anything. edit: your sig lacks flow. its not required but it would have helped a lot. border is also to sketchy. keep it clean
I would bash you by now, but unfortunately, I can only laugh in agreement. ANYWHO! POP QUIZ! What's flow? What's a Focal? What's blending? And do you even know what a sig even IS? It's kind of sad how it looks like you don't even take in consideration about our comments. You know, I started a sig school. We have people who CAN teach it to you.