Haven't seen many new switch's added lately and I don't think this Switch is on here. so I thought i would add this one. Time Delay switch Used to make something happen with time delay of your choosing. Use: Best used along side anther Switch. Wherever you use an explosion. can add a delay to it. How it Works: The first Fusion Coil Explodes Hits a Propane Tank (which doesn't explode strait away after taking damage takes about 2 seconds to explode) then that Propane Tank explodes hitting the next Propane Tank (2more seconds) Hits the Next propane tank. Repeated as many times as you want. till You get to the end and It hits the Fusion Coil. Then that Fusion coil would do what ever you had intended for the Explosion to do. Random Tips: -In Foundry if you use all 16 propane tanks you can add a timer of 32seconds roughly. -To maximize Efficiency block up the propane tanks so they cant move for Flawless reliability.(but make sure there not airtight because the explsoitions wont be able to get though) -Spread out the Propane tanks so Each Propane tank only hits the 1 next to it for maximum Time. Hope this helps someone
This could be really helpful for infection maps! Someone could have it set where they have to blow up the coil and then fend off the infection for the time period before it blows up and activates a door switch! Good find.
It's a good idea but I don't think it will be used too much. Mainly because since sandbox came out it has been the prime map for people to forge on. Since it doesn't have propane tanks, it wouldn't really work though. However, as far as Foundry goes I can see this having a lot of uses.
I used something like this for Moon Waffle, but I enclosed the propane tanks and doubled them up for redundancy purposes.
Yeah, but who ever played this Moon Waffle? In specific circumstances a delay switch is exactly what you may need, say you wanted to create... an elevator. If you had the door open and the elevator to move up simultaneously, it gives the player no time to enter. Most switch designs I've seen have been set up with the bare minimum requirements to function: no thought is put into whether a longer timer would make it more realistic, or how it would effect gameplay.
well people could incorporate this. maybe make it more neat and maybe cover up the front to make it a long box. but its a few suggestions. neat idea
I just made up the screen shots quickly to show the concept,In no way are those Pictures a practical way of implementing it. In tips I mentioned you should hold the Propane tanks still for reliability and that should be the way its done when actually used.