Sandbox Tactical Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by arthrax, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. arthrax

    arthrax Forerunner

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    This is my second map + gametype I've posted on this forum so far. I didn't spend much time on this one, but it came out great when I tested it. Very strategic and fun.

    Please don't complain to me about it not having interlocking or it being a sloppy forge, because although it may not be pretty, it works pretty damn well.

    The map is a 2 sided, wide bordered, standoff battleground. Tons of cover and works best with its gametype. The variant is essentially Team SWAT but with more gravity. A bunch of little details are involved too, but I won't get into those. Works best with 2-8 players.


    Spawning Area
    The view

    Download Link:

    Map - : Halo 3 File Details
    Gametype - : Halo 3 File Details

    Have fun!
  2. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Hmm...... definitely looks small. So really, it's just 2 floating platforms on the skybubble, and people shoot at each eachother across a somewhat small gap between eachother? Doesn't sound too interesting..... because you obviously didn't reach the OLN in this map, maybe you could make 4 platforms in the shape of a '+' and make it multi-team, with 2-4 players per team? That would definitely make it funner.
  3. arthrax

    arthrax Forerunner

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    well the point of this map was to be a close-quarters, more tactical map and gametype rather than a carnagefest. when played with a full party it is very fun
  4. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Sorry if this makes you mad, but it doesn't look like it's close-quarters.

    Oh, and this belongs in the Casual maps section.
  5. arthrax

    arthrax Forerunner

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  6. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    uhh. probably took about 45 min to an hour to make. not very well thought out too. if you want some serious thumbs up you need to make it a little more challenging. i definetly agree with LRMan. make a 4 platform map. if you could make a v2 of this map and make it a + i would DL
  7. geranamo

    geranamo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I actually like what you're trying to do here. Aside from all the negatives I'm hearing, I see this is a map where you finally aren't just rushing everything (like a typical halo map); you're given a spot to shoot from and you have to come up with a way to make that spot work with what you are given.
    I would recommend a V2 but don't change it too much. Maybe an asymmetrical feel to it would work; different kinds of cover for both sides to give the enemy a chance of thinking where your head might pop up next.
  8. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    I agree with Geranamo. I wouldn't make the map any bigger, being it is mostly CQB. (Finally, a halo casual where I don't have to worry about freaking gay 10 ear old kids or MLG pricks camping in a corner and sniping, kudos) But I would make moar cover, maybe interlox teh walls (to make it look shmexay) and finally worry about the aesthetics. On this note, anything from a hornet dropping to fusion coils and random debris flying overhead. Heres a fun lil idea. Make a bunch of fusion coils (my previous invasion slayer map only contained four =( ] and have them explode far away (put some on the battlefield level and make others on ground) to simulate explosions in the distance. But hey, i didn't create this map. It's all up to you, these are just ideas from a fellow forger willing to help. I might play this sometime with a couple buddies )That aren't on modern gay f---- stupid -_-)

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