Some guy writes how he hates elites. Original post here: This button ____________________________________________________ I am going to explain to the world why I hate elites in Halo 3, due to the fact that many have been asking why they are hated. The most common answer being "Only noobs use them" I personally think most just feel they started out in CE killing elites so why become one. But, this is not about others hate, this is about MY hate. I hate elites, and I'm going to have to tell a story why. "Alright in the second level of CE "Halo" I had this marine that spawned in a certain place every time. He was ALWAYS my gunner. I named him Barry, he would fight and tell jokes and shoot dead enemy bodies. I never allowed him to die, together we fought valiantly. Every time I played the level, there he was ready to go again. The last time I saw Barry was we had just rescued the last life pod and were waiting for Pelicans to come. He was complimenting me on my size when it happened. This blue elite bastard discharged his plasma rifle relentlessly into Barry's back. I saw the light leave his eyes as he fell to the ground. On top of that the elite kept firing at his body. That was the first time I have ever yelled NOOO! at the T.V. screen. I glared at the Elite. I toyed with him hitting him again and again, letting his shield charge and hurt him. I finally killed him by slowly squishing him with the Warthog. I have never killed something with no intensity. After I killed him I figured "ah, whatever I'll just pick up Barry next time around." Unfortunately, My disc was scratched severely from an "accident" and I had to purchase a new disc. I boot up "Halo" and go to Barry's corner where I pick him up. No Barry. I searched relentlessly, going through load zones and everything. He was gone. It was from that moment on, that I vowed to make elites pay, no matter what the cost. The only Elites I tolerate is the Arbiter and Half-Jawbecause their hardcore. All other must die. No it's not because "only noobs use elites" or "Their Fat" It's because they killed Barry, the best marine in the UNSC. R.I.P. Barry, you fought till your last breath.
poor barry ='[ it reminds me of the fun i had on star wars battlefront 1 and 2 i would get a couple of troopers to folow me around lol..i would always call them ralph and charlie
Barry was a brave man and a valiant dead body killer. Te elites are only useful for swat. So annoying.
I'm sorry to hear that my brother killed your friend. The loss it regretable. OOC: I play as an elite. I like them. It's refreshing to see someone taking the lighter side of this. R.I.P. Barry the Marine.
Lol i can picture a guy sitting in front of his screen now "BARRY, I LOVED YOU!!!" and in the other room "SHUT UP, its just a darn game for christ sakes"
poor barry i was expecting that wholle "it's hard to get headshots on them from behind in SWAT" arguement again, but this is MUCH more serious.
Haha, I clicked on the thread expecting to find a rant about how much the elites in Halo suck. But I have to admit, I am pleasantly surprised. I apologize on the behalf of my fellow elites for your friend Barry. We shall sponsor a memorial service for him as an apology.
This story has brought tears to my eyes. I have renewed hatred for the Elites now! They must pay for the loss of Barry! I feel that all the potential TKing won't fare well for my reputation, though.
lol, thanks for all the responses guys, this guy had his heart broken from barry, lets all be spartans for a day and just own elites
EHHHHGZACALLY! Barry im avenging you one elite at a time! I had something like this on H3 it was a marine i'd always pick up for fun on the ark when they go "we spotted a good LZ if we cna get oour vehicles" I'd give him a rocket launcher and we'd get on the ongoose and pwn You can get all the way through that mission on a mongoose by the way. It fits in all the tunnels and there's nothing more dnagerous than a bad-ass marine with an infinite suplly of rockets I called him Jimmy...unfortunately Jimmy freezez after you get to the cartogrpher bit and wont get back on the mongoose
Poor Barry... :'( He will be missed. On another note, I once played through Halo CE and saved every single living marine in the game. I didn't let a single one die. Fun times.
On a more serious note THIS is why you should hate Elites. They are glitched. And still they haven't been fixed.