Prison Escape-UndergroundJail- This is a jail map designed for the prisoners to get the cops to let them out and maybe escape to the territory. It includes a bathroom, shower room, lunch court, soccer field, employee lounge (Cop Spawn), Prison Cell (Prisoner Spawn), and a Guard Tower. There are two teleporters in the back of this map in each corner taking you to the middle level of sandbox. There you will have to walk a little bit to reach the territory giving the cops a chance before you capture it. The release of the prisoners is triggered by ramming the chopper into the block (Chopper found through the slit wall)(Hint for prisoners: There's a deployable cover right next to the block by the way out, the block is not immobile). Somewhat similar to Cops and Robbers but now there is a territory to escape to, more than one cop, and cops are not invincible. 2-16 players. Please try it and tell me if you like it or not or maybe what you would like to see changed because I make lots of maps for this game type this is the most recent. Also whenever I play it with 2+ cops 1 spawns at the top for some reason its glitched but all the starting points are gone. Please report if you are experiencing this too. Pic 1: Bathroom Pic 2: Prison Cell Pic 3:Way out of cell after the block is moved. Pic 4: Employee Lounge Exterior. Pic 5: Prison Cell and Chopper to trigger release. Pic 6: Shower area. Pic 7: Lunch Area. Pic 8: Employee Lounge Interior. Pic 9: Watchtower Exterior/Guard Warthog. Pic 10: Employee Lounge Interior. Pic 11: Watchtower Interior. Pic 12: Soccer Field. Pic 13: Territory and receivers. : Halo 3 File Details Download it here {URL} Game : Halo 3 File Details Download it here {URL}
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looks well made. some pics dont work. some do. also in between the pics could you add what that pic shows. overall though it looks fun