Hey, I could use some help.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Izano Slayer, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    I'm planning on making a map based off the suicide mission from mass effect 2. It's coming along good so far, but I have a problem. See, the original plan was to have eight classes at the outset. (because even teams are used) Each of these classes was to represent a character from mass effect 2. Ex: Garrus has a sniper rifle, assault rifle, and battle rifle to choose from, along with all grenade types. As you know if you played mass effect, there are basically 3 types of class. Combat, Tech, and Biotic. ( with the occasional hybrid) I have figured out tech and combat. Combat is power weapons and all grenade types, and tech is a weapon and plasma pistol. This allows them to disable vehicles, making boss fights much easier. (If you have additional suggestions for those, feel free) but my main dilemma is biotics. My first idea was to give them equipment, like flares and regens, but it doesn't seem right. This is what I need your help with. How could I translate biotics from mass effect into halo?

    Another problem I have is this: I want each player to choose a character so that only that person can be that character. Basically, I want bob to choose garrus. However, no other player can choose garrus after that. No other player can be garrus. How would I go about this?

    P.S I want it to be a choice when choosing a character. Not random.
    Thanks for your help!
    #1 Izano Slayer, Jun 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2010
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The first problem that you have is going to have to be solved with nonhuman power weapons and equipment (even though it may not seem exactly what you're looking for). You may also want to give them a custom power up that alters their traits to a more biotic-like character.
    However, I don't believe that the second problem is possible to solve without an honor rule. You could make it so that only one person makes it into the class room (and even that idea could be cheated), but I don't think that you can make sure that it's the same person. To make it so that only one person could make it into the spawn room you would have to make a small opening, just big enough for a single spartan to crouch through. just after the opening put an overshield, active camo, or custom power-up under a movable abject. as soon as they grab the item, gravity causes the movable object to fall, blocking the doorway. My suggestion would be to use a pallet as the movable object since the only way to cheat this system is to get two spartans under the object at the same time. Since the pallet is the thinnest object, it would be the best to use.Of course, you would need to put a shield door outside the door as well so that no one can break the pallet, but that shield door could be incorporated into the aesthetics of it.
  3. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    Thanks! Maybe it came across wrong in the OP (i'll edit it) but I don't need bob to keep being garrus for the rest of the game (as in every time he spawns) but just that round. So your idea works perfectly.

    However if anyone has more ideas for biotics...
    #3 Izano Slayer, Jun 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2010
  4. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    One thing you might be able to try for biotics is firebomb grenades. Not only is it a biotic power but it could also have other uses. For example, you could place a shield door in the ceiling. right above that would be a pallet (supported by a weapon holder or something of the like) and a movable object. The biotic could throw the firebomb grenade at the shield door, breaking the pallet, causing the object to fall. This could be used to block a path, hinder enemies, or many other things. This would make a biotic useful, and pretty much the only person who could move that object.

    Additionally, while this doesn't fit in with the game, you could place mancannons that wouldn't work without a regenerator and give the biotic a regenerator.
    Anyway, other than that the only other option I can think of goes along with that custom power-up thing that I mentioned before. Give them less gravity so that they could jump higher and flip a switch.
    I don't think that you can add any powers like pull, singularity, or throw into Halo 3 though. Instead you may just want to keep along that mindset that biotics tend to have telekinesis -like powers and work with that.

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