Another 3ds max thing vie done. unfortunately my 3ds max just ran out so i have to go buy it again D: This took my around an hour and a half. im really pleased with it because i normally dont make c4d styled stuff. (I normally model). I think it came out good, want to know what you guys think and any Cnc?
No idea what the program is but i hate the text. Right side of the orb looks better to me, no idea why.
Yea all 3ds max, like i said i next to never do creative stuff like this with 3ds max, all modelling and game design for me. @ the effected, i think you may like the right side better because of the lighting, i kinda rushed the lighting so it didn't turn out to great. Thx for feedback.
GOOD GOD!!!! Did you just say your 3D max ran out? Well then god help us all.... god help us all.... You must be a millionaire or something. It would take me years to ever get it. If you have to top it up then HOLY F*#^ S^*@ T&*^@ C(@% R%*#*^$ S&^$ EATER!!!!! Each top up is one less car in your garage..... Anyway, as for the pic, it looks great! The text is bad though. Make the blue side close to the orb and it will be way easier to make out. A background of some sort (maybe space) instead of black wouldn't hurt either. As for the ball, it's great!