The Corridor

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Fillmore Roy, Apr 28, 2008.

  1. Fillmore Roy

    Fillmore Roy Ancient
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    Good day,

    This is my first map that I've tried posting, so if I mess up or an image doesn't work, let me know and I'll do my best to fix it. Also, if you are a registered ForgeHub user, please post your comments on this thread rather than the thread at Lastly, I realize that the screenshots are small, I'm working on enlarging them.

    -Fillmore Roy

    A note to Forgers: if you have problems placing items in the hall way or in the bases, or just want to get out of the main part of the map, simply set the "Place at Start" option on the piece of scenery that is blocking you or your item(s) to NO, then start a new round. Problem solved, for a few minutes. Don't forget to change that option back to YES just before you save.

    The Corridor (V1)

    Download and discuss the map here

    The Corridor is a map built in the hallway on Foundry. I have configured it so that it can be played with ALL built-in gametypes. However, it was originally meant for team-based games. You can play FFA gametypes on this map, but the gameplay on team games will be much smoother. Infection will work as well, but the gameplay may be different from that of regular team games.

    The Setup

    The Corridor is an almost perfectly symmetrical, close-quarters map. There are two bases, one for each team. They are (very close) mirror images of each other. Each base has a small armory and receiver nodes from the secondary spawn zone, shown further down.

    -An overview of a base-

    Each team will spawn in their base at the beginning of the game. Afterwards, they will spawn either in their base, or in the secondary spawn zone, which is shown further down.

    -The Armory-
    Each team's armory starts with 2 shotguns, 2 battle rifles, 2 pairs of SMG's, and an infinite supply of frag grenades. 2 minutes into the game, a sniper rifle (with only 4 shots) will spawn. The sniper rifle will only spawn every 2 minutes. 3 minutes in, the true power weapon of the map spawns - a rocket launcher. It only has 4 shots, and spawns every 3 minutes.

    -The Secondary Spawn Zone-
    Each Team has its own secondary spawn zone, in case there are enemies at their own base. Go through the teleporters to get to your base, and back in the action.

    -The Main Hall-

    The center of action in this map is obviously the hallway. A few meters/yards from the 90-degree turn is a bubble shield. Pick it up and deploy it to create a temporary barrier. Placed correctly, nothing dangerous will get past. For a few moments, that is. Example below.

    Along the sides of the hall are little alcoves. They make nice hiding spots for shotgun-wielding campers. However, a grenade can flush them out in an instant. Here's a screenshot of one.

    -The Fusion Coil Booby-Trap-
    My personal favorite part of the map, you can shoot it or toss a grenade at it to instantly obliterate (literally) anything or anyone unlucky enough to be near it. Ususally, any campers hiding in the alcoves (shown above) or anyone in the lit-up part of the hall will be safe from the blast. After detonation, the fusion coil stacks will "charge" themselves up 1 "bar" every 10 seconds.

    -The Bottleneck-
    Controlling the very center of the hall is critical. It is where the Flamethrower will spawn 3 minutes into the game. Additionally, any neutral objectives are located there. For example, in Neutral Assault, the bomb will spawn at the bottleneck.

    That's really all there is to the map. Again, if you have any comments or suggestions, I would prefer that registered users of ForgeHub post them on this thread instead of the thread on If you aren't a registered user, please post on the thread
    #1 Fillmore Roy, Apr 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  2. duff himself

    duff himself Ancient
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    the pictures aren't showing up... and the peeps here are gonna give you a hard time with the title of the thread. its easier to find if its just the name of the map.
  3. Fillmore Roy

    Fillmore Roy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the pics will be up later today, and thanks 4 letting me know about the title, but I can't figure out how to change it. I think the new forum system won't allow it...
    #3 Fillmore Roy, Apr 28, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2008
  4. KB

    KB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    make sure your pictures are embedded or people will get mad at you
  5. Revenant

    Revenant Ancient
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  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To the above post, Shift+6 (for Uk) gives ^, you dont need to do /\.

    Ok back on topic, there are no images on your thread, and if you do not have this fixed in a day your map will be locked until further notice. Please get some screenshots up as soon as possible.

    From the quality of your post, i expect a high quality map, although i must say that the corridor at the back of foundry has been used on more than a few occasions. I hope to find something a little different with this one.

    As a side note, please put the name of your map as a title. 'Close-Quarters' isnt really a name, and 'For all gametypes' isnt something you should be putting in a title. This isnt Bungie, we dont advertise our maps by thier titles.
  7. cptncaucasian

    cptncaucasian Ancient

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    No pics are showing up, which sucks because thats a probably a good map. Just read the thread in Revenants post.
  8. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    So the map is completely symmetrical?
  9. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey dude do you need help geting pictures up or just geting pictures up
    just let me know if i can help
    PS: welcome to forgehub
  10. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    It sounds really good but i wanna see the picks b4 i download cuz something happened the last time i tried a map without looking at the pics.The map sucked and for some reason i couldnt delete maps

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