Shadows are to strong and its way to close to the back wall(s). Also the room itself is very plain and boring.
Dont worry I havent had it long either. And just google Cinema 4D Tutorials ( or Text tutorials), you'll find somethin interesting i bet.
Not bad for just having started with the software. However, I've found that C4D isn't quite ideal if you're going to be rendering stuff like that. It's great for abstract art, but there are better programs for making this kind of thing.
Actually Id like to agree with him. I wouldn't know what other programs really for text wise only, but C4D is more for the creation of things other then text-based. Its still a good tool, but like ravnz suggested, there are probably alot more better programs for 3D Text.
Blender is good for projects that involve simple shapes like letters, and is not too difficult to work with (though the learning curve is a bit steep...) I agree with what KB said in his first post.
C4D has great deformation features that work well when creating abstract art. For most everything else, I'd recommend Gmax (which is a sort of dumbed-down yet free version of 3ds Max, one of the most professional modeling programs available).