Foundry Factory

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Arctic Hunter, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    This is probably my best map yet, without critizism for bad forging me and my friends think it's great. This map is fun for anyone who wants to have a good time. This was actually my first forged map, and works for the Slayer gametype. I promise fun for every with no dissapointment.

    Download Map: : Halo 3 File Details


    This map has many cool things including the Ghost in the front right corner,


    and the well fortified walls that prevent people from ecaping.


    This map includes two main weapons which are the Sniper Rifle that is located right next to cover and a Bubble Shield.


    And a Sword in the back right corner.


    My favorite pat of all is the working Elevator. But as you can see, this is no ordinary elevator. To work this contraption you must recieve the Regenerator and throw it in the direct spot. The elevator will then become active until the Regenerator is destroyed.

    Lastly, I have decided to put up some shot of a 1vs1 match with my buddy TheChosenOne49. Enjoy!




    If you have any questions leave a comment or send me a message.
  2. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have great potential as a forger. If you could learn how to do all the tricks of forge you'd be awesome. So why don't you head on over to FORGING101 and up those skils. Onto the map, the elevator idea is great and I might use that idea in later maps but I don't see it working weel in a competitive map. I mean like for a infection it'd be great. Also I see that there is one escapeable part (maybe) in the 5th picture you could jump from the blockade on to the top of the double boxes. One last comment please give us an overview pic thanks.
  3. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Thanks for your comment, and hanks for the compliment on the map. You see my main idea for the elevator was to just put in more unique features. It is also good because there is a spawn right in front of it, and instead of walking around you can use it to go right up and snipe.

    Oh yeah and in the last picture the wall looks closer than you think and I dont think its possible to get out but go for it.
  4. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    You need to add another layer of double boxes to the containing walls; as the map is now, a player of intermediate jumping ability could easily double jump or grenade jump onto the tops of the double boxes, and escape the map. The only real way to prevent this is without affecting gameplay is to add a second layer of double boxes or walls. I know it's a pain, and may reduce your working budget, but it'd be a real shame for this lovely map to be brought down because a few grenades can get people out of the map.

    Other than that, I think you're doing pretty well; Factory is a nice, low-merging map which accents the pure brilliance of forge. Good job.


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