This fun gametype, Ghostem, is a gametype where regular players enter the Ghosts and just into the arena. The Alpha Zombies job is to run to the individual corners and grab sticky grenades. The Alpha must stick the players to have them convert to his team. The Ghosts are to splatter the Alpha Zombie until they die. The players have 30 secnds to enter the arena because fusion coils will spawn outside and will kill rulebreaking players and send them inside. Download Map: : Halo 3 File Details Download Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details Alpha Zombie Damage Resistance: 110% Shield Multiplyer: No Shields Damage Modifier: 75% Weapon: Battle Rifle Infinate Ammo: Yes Speed: 300% Gravity: 150% Zombie Damage Resistance: 200% Shield Multiplyer: Normal Shields Damage Modifier: 100% Weapon: Energy Sword Infinate Ammo: Yes Speed: 200% Gravity: 200% General Players Damage Resistance: 100% Shield Multiplyer: Normal Shields Damage Modifier: --- Weapon: (Ghost) Infinate Ammo: --- Speed: 90% Gravity: 100% Alpha Zombie running to corner to grab Sticky Grenade. One of two ways to kill players. Energy Drain spwans after 120 seconds to help players who cant stick the ghosts. Use the Energy Drain to stop Ghosts and get a better shot on them. For those other players who cant do a thing with the grenades or the Energy Drain, a custom Powerup spawns after 180 Seconds so all the Alpha Zombie has to do is shot the Ghosts with the BR. Send me a message if you have any questions
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