Sandbox Ghostem on Platform

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Arctic Hunter, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    First off, I would like to apologize for my 1st try and failing in getting ym pictures to show up. This fun gametype, Ghostem, is a gametype where regular players enter the Ghosts and just into the arena. The Alpha Zombies job is to run to the individual corners and grab sticky grenades. The Alpha must stick the players to have them convert to his team. The Ghosts are to splatter the Alpha Zombie until they die. The players have 30 secnds to enter the arena because fusion coils will spawn outside and will kill rulebreaking players and send them inside.

    Download Map: : Halo 3 File Details

    Download Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details


    Alpha Zombie
    Damage Resistance: 110%
    Shield Multiplyer: No Shields
    Damage Modifier: 75%
    Weapon: Battle Rifle
    Infinate Ammo: Yes
    Speed: 300%
    Gravity: 150%


    Damage Resistance: 200%
    Shield Multiplyer: Normal Shields
    Damage Modifier: 100%
    Weapon: Energy Sword
    Infinate Ammo: Yes
    Speed: 200%
    Gravity: 200%


    General Players
    Damage Resistance: 100%
    Shield Multiplyer: Normal Shields
    Damage Modifier: ---
    Weapon: (Ghost)
    Infinate Ammo: ---
    Speed: 90%
    Gravity: 100%


    Alpha Zombie running to corner to grab Sticky Grenade. One of two ways to kill players.


    Energy Drain spwans after 120 seconds to help players who cant stick the ghosts.


    Use the Energy Drain to stop Ghosts and get a better shot on them.


    For those other players who cant do a thing with the grenades or the Energy Drain, a custom Powerup spawns after 180 Seconds so all the Alpha Zombie has to do is shot the Ghosts with the BR.

    Send me a message if you have any questions
  2. Psquiddy

    Psquiddy Forerunner

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    Cool, I like the overall design of the map, and the idea is quite smart, good show, good show......
  3. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Thank you, it has taken me a long time to come up with an idea. Of course I couldnt steal anyones so unfortunatly I had to think of one my own. Thanks for the comment.
  4. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a double post just saying.

    This seems it would be veryyy hard for the zombie if he has to stick the player and not just the whole ghost. is that what your suppose to do? On to the map, it looks bumpy. VERY bumpy. You could fix this by interlocking all the walls for the floor. Yes its a pain in the butt but, in the long run its worth it. It shows how you spent time trying and making your map look good.
  5. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Thanks for commenting, and your right it does seem hard, but the objective is for him to stick the ghost. You see, it should take about 2-3 sticks but then he converts to your team. Also, the platforms I would agree are a little bumpy, and it looks more bumpy than it is because of the design on the walls I used. But thanks for your comment.
  6. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am going to suggest that you replace the floor walls with floor block huges. Walls tend to be bumpy and unreliable if used as flooring, but if you lay down some block huges, and interlock them just a little, it will look like a homogeneous floor.

    Another possibility is to make it on the ground level or in the crypt and build high walls.

    I like the game idea- as simple as it is.
  7. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks incredibly plain. It's obvious that you have a ton of objects and budget left, so why not use it. Take inspiration from maps around you, and try to build what you think would look nice. Right now, your map looks like a bunch of crooked walls.

    Also, it appears that the Zombie can do a simple grenade jump onto the wall, and become impossible to kill by Splattering. While we're on the subject of the Zombie, I'd like to ask why you included the Custom Powerup. Because of this Custom Powerup, the Zombie is guaranteed to win, regardless of how bad he does. In reality, Humans shouldn't even try, because they are going to die eventually. If the Zombie isn't good enough to kill all the Humans in the time limit, that's his own damn fault. I just don't understand why you're giving him such a huge crutch to stand on.

    Also, why did you give the Zombie a Power Drain. It seems very overpowering on such a small map. It would make any Humans caught in it as good as dead, and it would make the other Humans have to focus more on the actual Power Drain than the Zombie himself, which I can imagine leading to a lot of cheep deaths. I'm not being mean, I'm just wondering why you put all this stuff in here.

    #7 Hogframe, Jun 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2010
  8. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    The maatter of the fact is, I try to be fair. I dont want to make someone suffer and not be able to win. of course it is plain too, but that doesnt mean plain cant be fun. I do agree I could have put a couple more things in too. The zombie I guess in reality could grenade jump out but wheres the fun in that. I know there are people out there who will but thats just not enjoying the game.

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