this sounds great... really help out those with big plans but no patiences to draw each single thing!
that would be sweet, i always draw/think out my maps,then most of the time i make changes as i am forging, if there was a flash we could do it much more effectively, please make this i <3 you
Umm... looks awesome, Caster. Just one question, would it be possible to make the walls actual boundaries or have a snap-to-grid feature? This looks fantastic... now if only I finally finished Foundry 3D (same thing as this, only 3D). But it is really hard to model every object. This will be very useful. Oh yeah, can you add a thing that lets you take screens and download them? That would be awesome. EDIT: Okay, F3D is starting back up in the summer, if anyone cares... lol. I can;t wait to see this program, though.
good luck guys, i think i will stick with photoshop for a while. but i might help every once in a while.
It looks good, not as i expected, but still a great contribution to the community. The way i expected to be 3d was because i usually angle alot of my objects, so it would be impossible to tell from above. I suppose i was dreaming with my idea, i will still look foreward to using this programme.
[Directed at who was planning on 3D view] I'm guessing that would be F3D's job. 3D in Flash 8...*twitch* *twitch* *shudder* *shudder*
The only thing I'm worried about is if this "tool" we are going to use to design maps doesn't take too long to use. If its a huge time-commitment just to design a map in the flash program, I feel that time can be better used making the actual map. --dc
I'd like the other guy who is making a Forge program to be the one to create it. Lock this topic when you have time, please.