Ataraxy (News about soon to come v2) 1. New ideas for cover up top and different quick jumps to places instead of all dumpsters. 2. Removing extra spawn points that are useless. 3. Changing spawn times on equipment. 4. Moving/Changing weapons. 5. Adding Call out markers (By adding overshield and activecamo in the boxes) in 2 of the 3 towers. Spiker Platform will now be Red Tower, Tower Kiddy-corner of Red Tower will be Blue Tower. And the 3rd tower by the base will just be Base Tower. 6. Raising up all old walls in the boxes another fence wall in height so you can actually crouch behind them. Download Ataraxy Here Description: Interlocking used Ataraxy is a Aymmetric map set up for all game types, but it is really fun when you play one sided gametypes. There are two main spawn areas one inside the "base" (which is used in one sided gametypes) and one in the "Sniper Corner" (It is called sniper corner because it is close to the sniper). When you spawn in the base you can either jump up on the boxes that are shaped like a square U or you can go right through a box to get the shotgun. If you chose to go for the shotgun you will then see a tower like platform which holds 2 spikers. If you chose to go for the square U you will find a bridge leading to the middle of the map holding a brute shot you can either then jump on the real U or go left down a ramp and be at the sniper spawn. When you spawn at the sniper corner you have three choses, you can either go right down the bridges that lead to a small tower and if you dont go all the way down the bridge to can drop down after the first bridge and grab the sniper. If you chose to go to the left you will be led down a pathway that is behind the real U, it has a needler, and a carbine. When you get to the end of the pathway you will be led to the tower like platform that holds the spikers. Ataraxy plays best with 4-8 players If this was all to confusing please have a look at the pictures, also it would be nice to see some feedfack on how it looks and what could be done to make it better thanks Pictures: Ataraxy Base Ataraxy View Ataraxy View 2 Ataraxy View 3 Ataraxy Action Ataraxy Creator Adelyss
This map seems like you have some really good ideas going on. I would say the lefthand back side needs to be tidied up a little bit as it looks somewhat messy. Other then that great looking map, ill check it out!
welcome to forgehub adelyss , great looking map for your post. interlocking seems fine and so does the weapon placement. i hope to see more from you in the future. good job
Hey thanks guys for all the good feedback, i did to notice that there wasnt quite enough cover on the top parts of the map. I tryed as best i could to give cover without cutting off all sights of view or limiting it to only one way to look, but ill try and see what i can do to it in the next few days.
The idea is good , but the floor and map looks bare and unfinished. It will be a lot better to add cover on the top parts and on the floors. This map will be a lot better once youve done that.
Look very clean and well interlocked but there seems to be alot of open areas on the bottom floor and most of the weapons are higher up. I like the design its more inventive then what you usually see on foundry. it get my d/l
Thanks guys again for the feedback ill most likely be working on a v2 with more cover when i get the chance to get on by myself (my brother always wants to play matchmaking) @ Vicious Vice about the weapon placement, i dont agree that most of the weapons are on the upper parts of the lvl if i remember only 3 Br's, 2 plasma rifles, 2 spikers, and a brute shot are on the upper part. With the bottom there are plenty more. But i will try to make a v2 with more cover when i get a chance to.
Surprise! Well Adelyss, welcome to the site, and a great first post for you! But, let's get on to your map. First off, it looks great! You flipped the bridges, and the boxes for a very sexy look. A couple things I must comment on, is that you seem to have taken a few features that are common in some popular maps(i.e. the corner wall-boxes, the upside down interlocked open single boxes.) They're cool features, but on foundry, they are done far too often on Foundry. Also, I noticed that you used dumpsters A LOT, consider switching some of them out for: crates, wirespools, merged wall corners, etc. I like the map though, I'll see how it plays and get back to you.
this isn't bnet so please don't do that As for the map I would have to agree that the top is way to open and needs more cover other then that the interlocking looks great so will download this and try to add more cover my self
@Turbo good idea about the dumpsters i didnt realize i put so many im working on a v2 when i can and ill try to add in some of the things you mentioned If you have any other things you need to mention about the map besides the top needs more cover feel free to tell me so i can add it in to my v2 Also i didnt have that much testing on the weapon placement if you could try testing it a little more for me and tell me if any of the weapons should be removed, moved or new weapons added. Thank you for DLing this map and taking the time to post feedback about Ataraxy.
@ LXV Grizzly yea i know its kinda bland but its not ment to be littered with scenery, its ment to be a competitive Team Slayer/ One-sided Objective game types so there fore i didnt put scenery. But i might try to add in a few pieces in my v2 that im working on ok?
Yeah i know the top needs more cover as like 10 people have said that already but thanks for the feedback ill really work on the cover up top in v2
Great job Adelyss for your first post, I like how well you interlocked everything and made the bridges really smooth so you dont get that nasty bump walking over them. I also think the weapon placement is good and well thought of but i might sugest moving one plasma rifle somwhere else besides having then both near each other. You could also add more cover on the top of the map but im sure you know that sence about 5 other people already told you But in all i Really Love this map and ill play it will all my friends Keep up the good work Adelyss
@Adeiphos Ok thanks for telling me about the weapon placement ill try to switch a few things up and add in some new ideas into my v2