Spam much? I didn't know, as long as there are no videos about Forge, I don't mind watching them most of the time, so those Thread really help me geting Information that I would miss otherwise. So If you know, write 'I know ...' and receieve and Infraction for that.
I think the only thing we can customize within Firefight is the gametype settings. I don't believe we can actually make maps for firefight.
Ok, so since this is the Halo Reach Firefight thread, I'll post what I copy pastad from the Bungie weekly update in here. Spoiler Anything in bold, is something I find interesting. *Note: I bolded Jump height and player gravity because in Halo 3, gravity affects the jump height.
Wow. Way to take the whole page. I'm loving the melee damage modifier, name visibility, total immunity, jump height, and custom nades.
Immunity to assassinations is nice, I'm guessing that'll carry across to custom game settings. I hope that includes quick assassinations as well as those with the animation, though I can't see why it wouldn't. Should be a nice addition for mini game makers and such. EDIT: only just got what bottomless clip meant when I saw DimmestBread's post, I kinda glanced over the list and assumed it was a new name for infinite ammo. But holy crap, I hope that's in custom game settings as well, if so then Octagon 1v1 could take on a whole new twist, ie. Perma-deadscreen for one player .
Jump height affects the player, gravity affects everything(like vehicles, explosions, how fast you fall). Thats the only explanation I can think of.
Yes, but what are your takes on the names? They seem odd for loadouts, and there are a hella-ton more loadouts than I could think of good weapon and AA combination for.
everyone seems to have missed that they mentioned space battles in firefight under the sub-heading "on the home front" in the update. I love how the loadouts are fully customisable and pretty much everything is customisable, tis sweet. EDIT: The wording is awkward in the the quote above.. I no longer think it confirms firefight space battles, as it says TWO examples, which indicate that they are listing separate things. :/ confuddled
Noble 1-6 are your own custom loadouts. The ones names after the campaign characters are the loadouts based on the characters. Such as, Kats loadout will be a magnum and Carters will have a DMR.