MW2 classes gamemaking or gamebreaking

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jrcane4455, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    We have all been in Modern Warfare 2 and come across someone either; using a running class, Javelin glitching (i know its been patched), or Noob toob one man armying. Do these "special" classes break the gameplay or add a fun twist to it.

    If you don't know what these three things are heres a brief description:

    Running Class: Using Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro, and Commando Pro with a tactical knife

    Javelin Glitching: Holding a grenade then switching to the javelin (when you die the javelin will blow up)

    Noob Toob one man armying: When you use a grenade launcher and when it runs out of ammo use the one man army perk to refill your ammo
  2. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    the way most people use them it is game breaking
  3. Spawn of Saltine

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    Knifing classes don't break gameplay, but the other two do. with knifing you have to sacrifice all of your long-mid range. And to even make it work you have to get rid of ninja so you can't be quiet.

    As for noob tubing... its complete bullshit. You can sit in the back of the map and shoot up in the up and get kills.

    Javelin glitch was fun for a little bit, but it is also complete bullshit. Walking sacrificial time bombs are not fun.
  4. forgenarb

    forgenarb Ancient

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    they all break gameplay, and imo so do most of the shotguns, thats why i play cod 4
  5. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Replace Commando Pro with Ninja Pro and you have my class and I don't see anything wrong with it, running is a great distraction when most of your teammates play with ARs or Snipers (my TTTeam has two guys using a FAMAS and me, I run, they pick up everyone who thinks he could ran after me). Running also helps a lot a objective Gametypes, I cap every flag for my team and conquer every territory.

    Also, have you ever played SnD against a team (no randoms, real team) who had a runner in their team? I plant a bomb within 15 seconds in the game, my team is guarding me, instand win.

    Running is a crucial part of MW, don't compare it with the usual Magnum Tacknife though, you shouold still be able to shoot a weapon.

    Also using Akimbo makes you Knife faster than Tacknife.

    Patched, so why is it on your list?

    Has been patched too, but really badly, everytime you change you class the time to pull it off get's longer, doesn't stop people from using it though, this really breaks the game since there is absolutely no skill involved.

    Try using Blast Shield, they will stop using it if the other team is less vulnerable.
  6. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    I cant stand to play COD 4 ever since everyone just started sniping.
    #6 Jrcane4455, Jun 18, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
  7. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    I say classes are game-making as a whole. You already start off with some of the best weapons out there (i.e. Intervention, SPAS-12, etc.) and as you advance in level you get weapons that are more specified, not more powerful (i.e. Stinger, FAL, Rangers, etc.). It's this specification and customization that really makes the game what it is. None of it is really game-breaking, especially when there is almost always a perk or technique that can counteract any specific tactic or strategy (i.e. Blast Shield on Noob-Tubers, Curve-Knifing or Sticking Riot Shielders, etc.)

    And at anyone saying that Riot Shielding or Knifing classes are overpowered, they're not. They simply aren't used as often as other classes, so you usually just aren't ready for them. You also have to realize that your hatred towards them is due only to the fact that they're different from most other classes. Think about it. How many times have you gone "Wow, what a Sniper n00b." or "Wow, what an Assault Rifle ***." I'm guessing you don't usually say things like that, but only because Assaults and Snipers and LMGs are all commonplace in this game. Tac-Knifing takes just as much, if not more skill to do than straight up shooting bullets at people. Don't believe me? Then try it
    #7 Hogframe, Jun 18, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
  8. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    Sorry, this is supposed to be about the classes that some people consider gamebreaking, not classes in general
  9. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Cod 4 > MW2

    Why the hell should I have to give up my Semtex, Claymore, C4, or any other equipment piece to have to use blast shield? Why do I have to give something up to protect myself from someone abusing the game? I don't think that's right, when all they have to do is stay in one damned spot and shoot in the air!

    I wish they would take out the first perk for Noob Tubes, like CoD4. Think this is wrong or going to counter with Bling? Would you prefer the Noob Tubes like they are now, or if actually balanced? Now, with Bling, you can still use Noob Tubes, sure. Put your other attachment first, then youll be able to use the tube.

    Knifing is fine IMO, I could care less about that, but TAKE OUT COMMANDO!! I should be able to shoot you 2 - 4 times and you die, not I shoot you 12 times and you teleport infront of me, thus knifing me and living through my shots.

    Another gamebreaking thing you forgot to mention : Painkiller.
    I watched this video of a guy with Extended Mags AA-12, shot a guy with ALL OF HIS SHELLS, except for one. Guess who died? I can tell you who didn't, the guy with Painkiller.

    Game sucks.
  10. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    The only REAL beef I have anymore is One Man Army, Commando, Lightweight, Shotgun secondaries, and Painkiller.

    Especially Painkiller. You can survive a Predator Missile with it activated.

    Also, the fact that you can get KS rewards above 9 in a crate. That's a little broken considering almost anything above 9 can make you win easily.
  11. forgenarb

    forgenarb Ancient

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    my problem with these classes is that none of them require scoping in, or much aiming, and im including shotgun classes with these. these instakill classes leave you with NO possible way of killing them with a regular assault rifle/smg if you both see eachother at the same time and have the same connection. i realize that with all of these classes are only effective at a certain range, but i don't think its very fun that with a shotgun you can destroy everything at close range, and with a noobtube you can destroy everything at mid range, without really trying.

    i realize there were shotguns and noobtubes in cod4 but to use them you had to sacrifice something, with shotguns you couldn't have a primary weapon so you basically had no option for long range, and they weren't used that often, and with noob tubes you couldn't have an attachment on your weapon, and you were also out of ammo after two shots so it ended up being way more balanced.
  12. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I find "running classes" to be quite fun. You have to sacrifice long range for close range and speed, and with Modern Warfare 2 and all the guns being basically one shots, you have to be able to dodge in and out and all around to actually get someplace. As well, Running, as said before, is crucial to some gametypes.

    I personally love Capture the Flag on Overgrown. Most CTF games I play I get around 7 flag caps from the one side alone.

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