Created by xXxBADCABxXx and Laserwolf13 Power Tower is a game in which two teams must race to the top of a tower and hold it as long as they can. Each second at the top of the tower is worth one point, and each kill is worth 5 points. Players spawn in the bases with shotguns and no shields. The fight to hold the tower is intense, and keeps each player on their toes, while the quest to get into the tower takes team planning and co-ordination. And of course, its really fun to blow each other away with no-shield shotguns. The path up the tower, long and dangerous. One side has a truck and the other side has a cage with bouncing soccer balls; just for fun. 90 seconds into the game, man cannons, stairs, and grav lifts spawn. This opens up many new ways to enter the hill. This is the top of the tower. Be careful not to fall in the trap hole in the middle, or you'll be stuck in the dunce cage. The dunce cage. Only way out is the sad and beautiful process of blowing yourself up with fusion coils. Power Tower v2 Map Power Tower v2 KOH Variant Happy blood-spilling!
its a good idea to interlock as, well this map is average but with interlocking it will be much better, good idea to hav more pathways spawn later in the game but 90 seconds is too far out, should be 45 seconds, and u should hav 50% shields as shotguns would be to powerful for no shields, kinda annoying, no nades should be put on the map or game due to shields and well, its good for an average map keep up your good ideas =]
I like the idea, but the bridges leading up to the top part are kind of messy and the floor of the top part is to. Good concept though.
Looks like a good idea, I am a fan of tower of power games. Would be a lot better if you were to interlock but it looks like you are getting a lot of comments like that.
thanx guys for all the comments, criticism is good, it will only make v3 that much better. the guy i was making the map with didnt know how to interlock, and was already done with the main tower part by the time i was able to join so we just went with it. expect to see Power Tower v3 within the next couple days.