Sandbox E.s.v.i.a hq

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by itz United at War, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. itz United at War

    itz United at War Forerunner

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    Hello fellow humanoids, welcome to my newest and original map!

    I call this little number- E.S.V.I.A HQ

    {About the Map}
    one day little johnny was walking home from school and he saw a dark and depressing...Wait what?...sorry wrong story, thats for later. anyway this map came from the ideas of many things: the justice league, that spongebob episode when barnicle boy turns evil, and the fact that many movies now have dumb villians. so i said to myself one day- where do all the dumb villians go to hang out or plot something...well, dumb. so i said i know i'll make it! and then E.S.V.I.A HQ was born!!!

    {Background Story}
    all the evil dumb villians came together one day to make a hideout where no one could find them, so they asked darkos and he said they could use his basement. little did they know darkos' mom was a mummy so instead of a normal basement it was a cypt. so they began working on it and by the end of the week they were done. after a while in a empty hideout with nothing but a old chouch, a gateway computer with 20GB hard drive, windows -1, and evil word 1901, and a cardboard cut-out of Godzilla. to coupe with this dumb hideout, darkos got his mom's mummy miles credit card and bought a bunch of tv monitors to monitor EVIL, a new EVIL chouch, 2 EVIL cars, and a bunch of somewhat EVIL weapons of non-destruction. after that darkos' mom went into debt and they had to take the house so now they closed off the crypt to no one and its been lost since then.

    not enough room to explain a lot so here are the pics...

    front of base (ground lvl) leads to armory
    side angled view, u can see the warthog (Evil mobile)
    monitor room (with chouch, for monitoring Evil)
    above view or over view (see the wraith, thats the Evil canonn)

    well i hope you enjoyed this map, i will post my other maps in progress and the DL link to this map, if u would like a list of my maps please just tell and i will start posting those under my comments or other posts...thanks a lot for accepting me into your community and please review my map or tell me if i should make changes, there could be a V2.

    DL link: : Halo 3 File Details

    {My Maps}

    Mining Facility

    civilization 2

    E.S.V.I.A HQ

    {Work in Progress}

    Mythic- 50% done

    Cops & Robbers 2.0- 25% done

    Run!- 100% done (taken from my friend) ready to post

  2. forgenarb

    forgenarb Ancient

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    so the merging on this is a little sloppy, and it isnt really much for an aesthetic map... since there aren't any geomerges that i can see i think you could learn a bit from checking out the forging 101s.

    since this is really simple for an aesthetic i would suggest you add more to it, or maybe make it into a minigame where the good guys have to kill the evil people or something like that.
  3. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can see your ghost merges, but it looks like a test run for them. I would believe that aesthetic maps would have more attention to detail such as the side of the box that is showing... but good story haha
  4. itz United at War

    itz United at War Forerunner

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    thanks for your input everyone, i was just doing a test on the dome idea i had but then i made it into what it is now. i really wanted to add more but i can't think of anything else. if u could help me think of something i'll make a V2 and add your ideas as best i can. also i would like to say that you won't find me building huge maps, i like small ones were it focus's on one or many subjects.

    also, don't be so negitive, you could at least said what i did was good, i'm an expert forger but it takes time to think of a map that no one has made yet, so please take in what i mean by everything it has a purpose, i made the map small and little detail for a reason, read the story and everything.

    {Work in Progress}

    Run!- 100% ready to post (Maybe on Monday)

    Cops & Robbers 2.1- 75% done

    Mythic- 25% done (won't be ready for a while, maybe middle/late July)

    when Halo: Reach comes out i will be experimenting with the new forge. so expect some: houses, garages, hotels, bases the whole 9 yards ok.
  5. xXx Shadow xXx

    xXx Shadow xXx Forerunner

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    I Could help lol so the V.2 will need a Good dome for Everybody and well A Bigger area Message me United and i'll help when i get the Time
  6. goop

    goop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Aesthetics: 7/20
    Aesthetically, it seems you did not spend time on the map. The map is not really smooth either. There is plenty of potential budget money left over. It seems you only merged when you really had to. Take your time with your map no one is rushing you. The theme is loosely captured as the map is just too small to represent a headquarters of any kind. I would recommend expanding the map and at the least embrace merging. Also there are gaps around the structure. The roof feels too jagged. This needs to be immediately addressed if you want the score to go up.

    Originality: 1/5
    Although some of the architecture of the map is quite original such as the semi/dome. The overall simplicity of the map and the overall lack of complex designs renders the map inert. There is close to no innovation of any kind on this map. I could not even find one in fact


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