Cod 4 MW1 remake: Crew Ship Run YES YES its me your favorite man with a plan!! a0puncfan!! okay okay enough of the inflated ego for now... Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (1) had its share of awesome parts. Weather it be the action or stealth, it will always have its GOLDEN moments. ONE of which is the very first mission where you are taught to be good by Captain Price and company. The Crew Mock Up is the ship run where you compete with peers for quickest record. This is a remake of that part, although they are not exactly alike, they sure can feel like it. KNOCK OVER THE SMALLER BARRELS (ON TOP) TO WIN When you come across a doorway marked by a teleporter, you have the option to throw a gernade in it, otherwise all the other situations you arent allowed to throw gernades. "Gaz holds the squadrant record at 19 seconds." Enjoy YouTube- Halo 3 Map - Crew Mock Up (The FNG, sir) YouTube- Halo 3 Forge - The FNG, Sir (Foundary) Map: Crew Ship Run v2 Game: Speed Run v2 The spawns and the tower: The gun pickup and nade spawns: Upper deck + first 3 targets - angle one: Upper deck + first 3 targets - angle two: Stairs and target 4: Room after corridor + targets 5 and 6 (Gernade this room): Room after that room + targets 7 and 8: Next room after corridor + targets 9 and 10 (Gernade this room): Exit out door to the right and SPRINT TO THE FINISH!: Collect stats!: BONUS FOR A LIMITED TIME!!! Sniper training out back, take a right and another right at the stat collector: DOWNLOAD AND ENJOY!!! BEST POSTED TIME AND FILM CLIP RESPONSE GETS TOP LEADERBOARD!!! LEADERBOARDS 1. Gaz 19s_________ 2. a0puncfan 0:24s__ 3. AI 0:30s_________ 4. AI 0:35s_________ 5. AI 0:40s_________ Must be 60s bare minimum to pass selection. YouTube- Why you should really SUBSCRIBE
wow this is grreeat! i havealways loved doing tis just for fun.. Its a great remake from what i can s ee in the video its exact. Nice forging, interlocking, and merging. Hope to see some more maps from you and psss first time i tried this was 38.3. Arent i good?
so the goal is to knock over the barrels? sorry havent played cod mw1 and do you knock over the big barrels or the smallones or both?
My record is 23.0 in the Game of Halo sweet lol I Love the 1st Mission of CoD : MW and you made it so Good got 5 Stars outta me
Also I am making a machinima with the map if anyone wants to help, add me on xbl my gamertag is: a0puncfan