While watching the latest video on firefight in reach, I noticed a loadout icon that I haven't ever seen before. At first glance, I thought it was just Guard. But upon closer inspection, I realized it isn't. The icon was on the screen with a Spartan, not an elite, so it must be a Spartan loadout. You'll notice the loadout icon at about 19 seconds in to the video. Here's a link to the video: Bungie.net : Halo Reach Here's a comparison between the loadout seen at 19 seconds: and guard:
Bungie would not make two loadout symbols that look so similar that people could easily confuse them. It is probably just new symbol for lockdown slightly touched up by Bungie's graphic design artists.
its a new armor ability called Drop Shield. It's a bubble shiled but at the same time a regenerator. The only drawback is that it will collapse when battered enough by bullets, plasma, ect. not sure how long it lasts, but when it fiinally collapses the user's drop shield armor ability instantly recharges.
They may have put it in there because they had nothing else to fill the slot with (that sounded quite sexual...). They have changed the symbols before. Sprint used to be a lightning bolt and there were others that were just random symbols. The same could go for this.
Its just a re-design from the Beta. Unless I managed to miss something huge in my E3 watches and other general Reach obsessiveness, what Rifte said is complete BS. It's just a new graphic for an old ability.
Wasn't trying to be. It just sounds so ridiculous when you just hear about it. An ability that shields and heals that instantly recharges just sounds like something you'd (the collective "you") make up.
At the risk of being called out again (so sue me, I didn't know), it sounds like a Firefight only ability. Haven't seen anything about it in anything other than Firefight discussion.
Saying that is like saying scarabs make everything useless. It's up to the person making the gametype to use drop shield or not.
The "instantly" was for the "cool down" not the healing. Instantly healing would just be completely ridiculous.
Saw the Drop Shield in action... collapsed pretty quick. Doesnt seem like its going to replace the Armor Lock in my mind. I think AL would actually be more useful for the rogue players who tend to drift by themselves.
My bad, it has a 20 second cool down. I said instantly because that's what it looked like in the trailer, but an interview from Bungie said otherwise.