Der Reise Yes I'm back already with another map of the famous **** Zombies that everyone makes remakes of! Before you hit "back" on your browser please allow me to show you more of the map's accuracy to the true Der Reise as you may have seen with my Nact der Untoten remake. (testers are welcome to help me fix any mistakes in the map. Just sed me a friend request or join my game) THE MAP unfortunately Trearch made their Der Reise map so huge that it cannot be all fit into sandbox without teleporters to different areas which decreases the sense of flow you need in a zombie horror map. SO: I made the spot in Der Reise of which EVERYONE always goes: the balcony AKA the catwalk AKA the ledge. If you still dont know what area Im talking about, let me show you soon. You can also go to that faithful spot in the basement which is right by the grenades on the walls THE GAMETYPE you can read my Nact map topic to read up on the game mode cuz they're the same but if you havent read it or need a recap let's go on: the zombies are slightly slower than the humans and have moderate health. the humans still must be hit twice to die at a zombie's hand like the original **** Zombies. The infected humans become fast runner zombies when they become infected and also custom power-ups soawn at 45 seconds for the alpha zombies at all the respawn points to make them runners also. The respawn is synchronized so that anyone on a team that's dead comes back together, making it a round-based feel. You can deactivate this if this isnt fun for the zombies. (respawn settings/advanced respawn settings/respawn options/synchronize with team) SCREENSHOTS! sorry about the grid, I was in forge and I didnt even realize it so I might update them. A man and his flamethrower. Yes the Help Box in this area is indeed activated with all the random weapons you'll need. the famous stairs many players find themselves shooting down. Beware! the window behind the stairs is still there and as active as before! The stairs are also lit just like in the actual game. teleporter! No it doesnt work cuz the "mainframe" part of the level is not in here but it still looks cool. The SMG on the wall a little to the left acts as the STG from the game. Fall back! The area behind the player in this picture shows the area before you get the bowie knife (sword). Of course, you could pick up a zombies sword, but for the full Der Reise effect, I just put it in there. the long hall. Some people come to this area for this spot right here. Its complete with grenades on the wall and only window! Psyche! There is an opening above you like in the real game so everything is still the same. If you look down the window in the hallway you can even notice that same blue light from the actual game too. Wow. Details. overview. This is a lot of the main part of the level. the drop-down spots from the balcony r in the same places as in **** Zombies so you can still feel free to get that epic get-a-way as before... but in Halo! ZOMBIE SPAWNS the zombies spawn in the area where the Help Box is originally in the actual game before it moves. This is also the area where you can activate the power (just incase you didnt know what place i was talking about). The zombies can choose to go: 1. right through the door where the bowie knife is 2. the balcony window 3. drop down into the basement 4. the window in the basement MAP DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE DOWNLOAD
If you only did the teleporter room.. you could have made this EXACTLY like it.. just be neat.. Interlocking is really needed in this kind of map.. Since you have plenty of money for that one room.. Make it all worth it For the map.. you should add the open window along the catwalk Check out the Halo Forge Discussion for guides and tips The teleporter.. I know you could do much better on it.. Add all man cannons in the teleporter.. NOT just one.. Again make IT all worth it
lol i love that you took our advice and made another **** zombie map but you should have spent the time you did on the first one, more interlocks would be great. Two days just isn't really enough to make a great map. i never got the map packs for world at war so thats all i can say, but from your first one i can assume it is very accurate.
This is a good Der Reise map, but theres one thing you forgot was the random box unless it's already there because you didn't mention it (if you are going to put the random box put it at the place it starts).
not to be mean, but it looks kinda messy (from the angles of the pics) and it looks like u could add a halo twist by hiding the sword, only because there will be that player who just camps behind corners until he is last man... also, any details on the gametype? there is no info on it so players will be confused. [My Maps] USMC Outpost 12- (ideas anyone? private message me on my Gamertag or on Forge Hub.) "THINKING" USMC Testing Facility- ??? Civilization 3- ???
Wow, I think I requested a Der Riese remake recently. The map itself is actually a bit disappointing. It's not near as good (I use that term loosely) as your Nacht der Untoten remake. But what did catch my attention is the gametype. The zombie respawn syncronization is great. I'm working on a wave based Infection gametype and it honestly never occured to me to tinker with the respawn settings like that (it's better than my original plan anyway). If I could make a suggestion with the map though, work with a budget glitched map with an OLN canvas. It'll make your life a whole lot easier with little worry on budget and object limits.
ya sorry guys it wasnt the full map and ya it is as accurate as it gets which does cost a lot of money and its unfortunate I couldn't make the whole thing cuz I love the entire map. ya the random box is there to help you and ya the sword is there right where the bowie knife is but I didnt want to hide it cuz you can just pick up a zombie's sword anyway. But aside from it being a remake, its still a fun infection map in itself