AC130ing jenga houses/towers or Defenders game?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Turkey bag56, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    I wrote this before and it got deleted before I posted it so It will be short
    I was making a game to get better at programming and now I'm going to start making a proper game. I have three options for what it's about....

    1) Keep on making my Maze game.
    This link will tell you about the maze: PS: got heaps of ideas from that thread!!!
    -Easiest and fasting of the 3 games to make.
    -I already have everything programmed (other than new things I add).
    -I have AI (bots) in this and I could start working on boss fights.
    -I already have a main menu and some levels.
    -I wouldn't gain much skill making this.
    -Not as fun as the other 2 games.

    2) Defenders game
    This game would be similar to bloons ( but army based. Play the game in the link to get a feel for what I would be like. (easier than explaining... AGAIN!!!)
    -Hardest by far to program (good for gaining skills).
    -I already have most the programming done for a basic tower AI.
    -Needs strategy.
    -Would take the longest to make out of the three games.

    Now the last and probably the main reason you looked in this thread!
    3) AC130ing jenga houses/towers!
    Name says it all. You would be using an AC130 type gun (all 3) to destroy towns made of jenga. This would be simaler to crush the castle: Again, play the game to get a feel for what I would be like. A main difference from my game a CtC is that in mine the AC130 would be moving around so you would have to destroy as much as you could before it leaves the area.
    -Not to easy and not to hard to make.
    -Haven't seen any games like this before. *deletes link*
    -I couldn't make the houses or towers to big (would crash the game)
    -This game may have some lag.

    Remember, my games would be made in 3D.
    Why am I asking what to me? Because I suck at choosing things!!!

    Edit: Was going to make this a poll but forgot so just say what sounds the best.
    #1 Turkey bag56, Jun 15, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2010
  2. rexdino5

    rexdino5 Ancient
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    I like games like "Jenga Tower or defender". In my opinion maze maps are hard to make fun if you don't make them right and you can get out of the map if it isn't made right also.
  3. Security

    Security Ancient
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    He's not talking about forge.....

    Anyway, I think you should make all three. Why stop at one when you have all these great ideas? The one that I think you should make first is the tower defense. Make it as original as possible, of course. Maybe make it forge hub based and have the towers be mods that shoot bans and the enemies be spammers or something like SPECIAL OPERATIONS Grunt.
  4. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Yeah, I probably will make all 3! Will just take awhile :/
    I was thinking about doing a FH version of the defenders game. However, It would be hardish to think of all the towers, mercenary's, and enemy's (giving them different meshes and upgrades) and keep everything as a low poly mesh.
    If I can get my first tower to do what it should (may be a challenge) I could ask members to think of a tower based on them (attacks and looks) and mods to do the same but for the top towers and mercenary's. They could also give me a list of enemy's/bosses to use. I will only need a few members thought (the rest will be based on FH). So people with the most posts, activity or people that everyone knows. Something like that?

    Since programming the tower is a pretty big job! I've been doing stuff on the AC130. It's already flying! Just need to do more on the weapons and fix a few things and that part of the programming's done :p I will try get that tower done though.
    #4 Turkey bag56, Jun 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2010

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