QUICK DRAW on SHOWDOWN By A jacal/The1ToFear Quick Draw on Showdown is a map inspired by all those cliche wild west moments. What I'm talking about is, the draw. They are pretty epic. ABOUT: Quick Draw is about fast hand movements. Just like in the movies. This may take a little bit to explain, but keep listening children. The gametype is King of the Hill. Two people start off inside the hill: And everyone else starts inside this box: Overview: The aim of the game is to wait until the custom powerup spawns that then allows you to kill your opponent. Here comes the quick draw part of the game. You must shoot your opponent in the face before he does. Sounds simple, eh? Well, it kinda is, but it can be hard. It can all come down to milliseconds. THE GAMETYPE: The gametype is actually quite simple. The two people that start in the hill are contesting it, right? Yeah, well once one of them dies the other gets the point. No kill points, just the uncontested hill point. This makes it when the spectators are mad at each other and then they assassinate, they don't get points for doing that. Also, when you go out of the hill you instantly lose and you could also call it, 'Walking away from the draw' as in 'You are a wuss who is too scared that you are gonna get killed'. So don't walk away unless you are a wuss Also, if one person starts walking to you before the custom powerups spawn, he will die. Because the custom powerups give you the ability to kill anyone who is invincible. So theres no cheating THE MAP: The map is fairly simple, all it is really is the spawns and the box. And that is about it. I really hope you like it and you get some "OHHHHHHHH" moments from your opponents when you just take them down. Some more random pics: A waypoint also appears when you can kill them: -------------------------------------------- If you have any bugs you'd like to report, just post here, and I hope you like. QUICK DRAW on SHOWDOWN
Its an interesting idea but people don't follow the rules. I would recommend have a grav lift triggered at a certain time that either raises or drops a wall so that the players couldn't possibly shoot each other prior to the start of the round. Otherwise an interesting idea but it would get old sort of quickly.
They can't kill each other before the custom powerups spawn. Do you get it? Anyways, yes it does get old but it is very fun when I played it with a couple of people last night.
Congrats on reading his post...I'm really glad you took the 2 minutes necessary to read and understand his post, rather than just spouting useless, mindless garbage. ... Alrighty, on to the map. I think you've got a really unique idea going on here. It seems that everything has been thought out pretty well. My only concern is that you'd have to explain how it works to every party, or else you'd risk playing with people who have no idea what to do. I guess this isn't a huge problem, and there doesn't seem to be any easy way to fix it, so I'll let it slide. ; ) Everything you've done here shows time and effort. From the well-merged, inescapable viewing booth, to the Old-Timey effect you used to make it all look like some old cowboy movie. I'm glad to have you on this forum. Cheers, HarisSales. (P.S. Maybe in a v2, you could make the viewing booth look like an old saloon or some other building, and have windows where the "civilians" could look through. You could even go so far as making an entire street of buildings on either side of the "showdown")
I just want to know, maybe I'll dl after, how do we know where the CP spawns? Or do the people just spawn right on it, and wait for it..?
Thanks! And for the viewing places, that was actually I was going to do when I thought of this, but, then I thought I should get the basics down first. --- The custom powerup spawns right where you spawn.
There are a few things that I have found to be a problem. The CP's spawn slightly at different times, which gives the person who gets the custom first, dies first, or the other way around. Anyway, the ways that I would fix it is that make the people spawn like you have them, but have the hill start somewhere else, and then spawn on them in twenty seconds. The hill can change the people's traits at the same time, so have it where you do damage, and kill. EDIT: Oh, and i'd make it where you only start off with a plasma pistol, but if your in the hill, you get a magnum, or something like that, because people would start shooting before you got the custom and they would have the advantage and ruin the game, So maybe make it when you're in the hill, you can pick up weapons, and make it pick up the magnum.
The edit was actually whatI had first, but then people just kept shooting thier plasma pistol and they would kill as soon as they picked up the custom powerup. It was a big problem. So, I scrapped it and made it so you start with magnums. About the CP's spawning at slightly different times, they only do that if you are in a laggy party. When I was playing last night, it was fine. I like your idea of the 2 hills though, I will try that tonight when I get back on. Thanks for the feedback
you should deffinetly add some wild west aesthetics. like some buildings arranged in a circle around the draw sight to make it look cooler, because just the box doesnt look too appealing. also another idea: have the custom power up spawns set as random, not exactly sure how you do this but: -have 2 different custom power ups set to how ever much time you want it to spawn/no spawn at start somewhere else -have the custom power up traits set to "min on map 2" -set your custom power ups that are in the fight area to how ever much time you want it to spawn/no spawn at start as well only problem would be if only one spawned on the fight area and the other person didnt have one. Not exactly sure how to do it, but im just taking a guess. It would just be something to make the power ups more random and unpredictable gameplay like how it really is in the 'ol west.
"The2ArmedGuy" on this site made a map with a very similar idea, except he didn't use custom powerups to give you traits. What he did instead was he made the hill give headshots an instant kill, the thing was that the hill only gave you these traits when it moved to your area which took around a minute or so. He also had some western buildings which gave it a nice touch. Maybe you should go for this approach instead but its entirely up to you. Nice job though 3.5/5
My only two problems with this is that for one thing the game is only for two players, the next thing is basically the connection host will probably win every single time. Other than that I like the idea. Maybe for aesthetics you should make some western style houses around the two people.
I would switch up the gameplay to have the customs spawn at the beginning, but the people to spawn a little bit aways, back to back in the center of the hill. They have to walk to the custom, turn, and fire, like an actual showdown. You know, start back-to-back, walk ten paces, and then turn and fire. I also was going to suggest wild-west themed aesthetics... If you need ideas for buildings, I would check out DIEabolical's map Wild West for inspiration.