This is one of my small maps I made back in 2009 and half my friends liked it and half didn't so I think people will have mixed feeling towards the map. Background: A few Spartans where left on a new prototype Space Station. It seems to have many special abilities, mostly covenant technology though. A few covenant cruisers have been sites but they haven't been found yet but finally a small covenant space ship carrying banshees assualted their Space Station. Will they die or live... Overview: This map consists of two main places, the space station and covenant space ship. The objective for the infected are to assualt the space station and kill all the spartans. The objective for the humans are to defend of all the waves of covenant and NOT die. Recommended Players: 5-7 (It still works with a full party but not great.) TIPS IMPORTANT: :::This is one tip for the infected and it is that when you board the space station make sure the banshees falls down through the bubble sheild or else if you leave all the banchees on the space station they will never respawn back at the infected spawn. :::This is one tip for the infected and it is to camp in tunnels or other places, also stick TOGETHER. Pictures Overview Space Station Infected Spawn Infected Spawn View 2 Flying BOOM!!! Haha can't get me! Ahhh!!! Uh oh.... Death... Map Variant Game Type Please inform me if the links don't work. Also if this game seems unbalanced please post or message me what you think I should change.
Go to your profile. Go to screenshots Find the pic you want Save your screenshot. Go to, upload your picture. Copy the img code beneath your uploaded screenshot
Or you could just use the official guide. Ts, you need to look at the rules before you make a map. Ignoring them will get you banned. You need to take better pictures of the map. Nobody wants to see pictures of a banshee, they want to see a map overview along with some areas of the map (like where the banshee spawns). Action shots are last priority.
PLEASE PUT MORE OVERVIEW PICS OF MAP!!! i'm sorry i had to be like that but i can't stress it enough that "we" can't see the overal state of the map so how can "we" review it??? i don't want an Elite face in the pic i want the design of it so i can give it a review. do u want a review of ur Elite face??? if u do its a 1/5 also i know a rocket launcher shoots ROFL rockets at dumb Elites that stand there. (those are Halo 3 Elites not the bad ass Elites from Reach) i guess i could give the map a 2/5 because i can't see it! --- my bad somebody already commented about the pics (u shouldn't be yelled at a 2nd time)
Sorry for the wrong pics but I updated it now so if you think I need more pics tell me since the 5 or 6 first pictures show the whole map and each base.*Sigh*
lol dang, sort of a tough crowd today.... but i was wondering, can the infected make it into the human's base without a banshee, or are they necessary. telling us the respawn times/ weapon list/ gametype would be nice too
The banshees are Nescasary and thats a bit of a problem so thats why I recommended it for atleast 5-7 people. No more should play or else it won't work great. Ok I'll get on to working on the list.