I made a Territories map in Ghost Town, in which I want the attackers and defenders to have different traits. I have set these traits (making sure, of course, that they aren't set to "unchanged"), but when I start the game, the players start off with the default traits. For instance, I want one team Black, and the other White. But when I start the game, they are whatever color was chosen in the lobby. This is really frustrating, and being this is my first main forge project, it would suck that the custom game doesn't work for this map! Can someone take a look at the custom game, or just tell me what I'm missing here? Thanks in advance. (This isn't a ploy to get someone to download my map. It's not even done yet!) Game: Infiltration Map: Phantom Run
im almost sure that u cant set diffrent traits for attackers and defenders in territories. i think it only works in infection n vip.
You set the traits... IN side the hill... as long as the hill is under a certain owners hand... and that player is in it... they have defenders trait... and attackers are the one in sided the taking the terrt they have attacker traits...
You cannot set up different traits, although you could make one team spawn right near custom powerups, and those effect the traits. (make sure you put it on instant respawn so everybody on the team gets it) There is one bad thing about it though, the powerup doesn't last forever.
mealonx Have you tested what I said? Because My first map was based off of this idea.... But I figured it... out... Are you playing symertical or asym games? meaning attack defender rounds or what?
You could just use infection and make there be only one life per player or something along that line.
wow thanks for the great (yet depressing) info! the map idea was originally done with zombies in mind, where you have to hold territories along a path as you progress to the end. I forgot you can't combine the gametypes, so I then decided to make it just attack/defend multi-round territories where the defenders have zombie-like traits and the attackers are defending against them as they progress through the level. (you'll see what I mean if you download the map, although ive already changed quite a bit since I uploaded it). I apparently at all do what I want to though, without making it a pure zombies game... in which case it turns into one of those "great journey/great trip" gametypes. *sigh*
Or you could use KoTH and set the player traits inside the hill and the player traits outside the hill and have it be the same? I am not sure if that works with teams, though... Maybe Territories still has that option with inside territory/ outside it?
I actually looked into that, and I didn't see anything. I guess what I'll probably do is set the basic character traits as the same, and then have the colors change for the attackers when they're in the territory. my real goal was for the defenders to be dark and camoflauged, and the attackers to stand out when in a territory, since i'm using the gloomy filter. so configuring it that way should work. thanks for all the replies!
So if anyone is interested, I found a workaround. If you make one territory and set the radius to 30 meters, it covers the entire map! This way you are always in a territory, so the defender/attacker effects are always applied.
Now I'm confused, too. I don't think you could do that unless you had the people spawn on a custom powerup that made you such a color.