Mythic DLC Civilization 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by itz United at War, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. itz United at War

    itz United at War Forerunner

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    Hello again forgers, thought i might post my newest map that i was working on while i was also working on Mining Facility.

    [Background story] The year is 2011, sony has come out with the Playstation Sucks (no offence to PS people its just a joke) and XBOX 360 has been awesome, this map takes place in a small part of a town that is sort of wierd. (well you will see why in seconds)

    [On The Map]

    a scorpion holder building thing (can u get it out? no really i need help getting it out)

    a house with a garage underneath (garage: there is a leak in ceiling of garage so watch out, a warthog and 2 mongooses, a work bench, and storeage. upstairs: bed, refrigerator, counter with sink, and a bathroom with new **** & shower technology)

    a theater with 25 people stadium seating (ran out of money on that) and a stage for all that is Rock & Roll only (not my fault but the wiggles will be there on monday the 20th, please don't yell at me thay held sharp glass to my neck i had to say yes. when the wiggles want something they get it even by force. KILL THEM!!! there is a sniper on the seats somewhere) also comes with a parking lot.

    a big ramp somebody misplaced is also on the map. (aparently the moving people at the skate park didn't get their money so they just dumped it there and i left it alone)


    [The Final Word]

    School school is really gross school school i hate the most.
    By: itz United at War

    [Maps in progress]

    USMC Outpost 12- thought process

    Civilization 3- ???

    USMC Testing Facility- ???

    So so sorry, stupied me forgot the DL.

    [Here it is]
  2. Koreboosest Jake

    Koreboosest Jake Forerunner

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    Hey man, nice map. I really like the stage, it is very simple but creative.And for a second I thought who had posted the next Civiliaztion Noob map that we were working on but i guess not, anyway cool map.
  3. itz United at War

    itz United at War Forerunner

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    Thanks, this is just some of my forging put together and given a name (LOL) but u know its not the last of my maps on Halo 3, there are plenty i am gonna load up!

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