YouTube - Barai Nakut Flythrough YouTube - Barai Nakut Gameplay YouTube - Barai Nakut Weapon Flythrough
Personally I think you need to add moar ghost merged bridges randomly into the base to at least double the gameplay. Also add an armory for the humans with a custom powerup on instant respawn that grants 300% speed. Apart from that the map is good but remember to fix the things I mentioned above.
Ahh, I'll remember those wise words for my next map, which I was going to post a preview ofin this but I forgot!
I'm not selfish, by the way at the first sight of your thread's images I thought this was Photoshopped by Multi... But I guess you're a professional image editor now... I thought I had played this map before, but I guess I was wrong. The forging looks excellent even for ghost merging. You took the average "Survive in the base cuz tharz sombies outside!" idea, and threw in a bunch of cool bridges. Excellent map Dave, I'll be sure to download this and not be selfish. K?
Hey, the shoutbox is a cake, you're not selfish! And I understand why you say about this being shooped by multi, but... well I wanted to post a thread made of images for ages, and I suppose i did only do the title how i did becuase of multis Alt Drei title, but everything else, I chose to do without any inspiration from other sources.