Sandbox Antisaint 1v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Korlash, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Antisaint - DL

    created by Korlashh, sketched by growlingrevenge from mlgpro

    Supported Gametypes: GB forge 1v1 and 2v2

    Description: This is a 2 floored 1v1 map sketched by growlingrevenge on foundry here, but forged by me on sandbox. This is primarily for 1v1, but fastpaced 2v2 games should work too

    *note: i do see that he said it wasnt for adoption, but the sketchup was posted in january of 2009. If he wanted to forge it and publish it he would have done that by now.

    Anyway, as he designed, this map has a truly unique way for lifting. There is a main lift that lifts you up, but there are two ways to get to it. one way is the simple way right in front of you. The other way, there is a hallway next to the drop down that leads you to a mancannon that shoots you into the lift. This took me a very long time to understand and get to work, but it functions just fine now.

    There are three ways to get up and two ways to get down. You can get up by taking the lift, simply walking up the slope, or by using the jump-up i added. The two ways to get down are the drop down area and by going down the slope/falling down.

    I haven't tested powerups at all, but there are 2 carbines (45sec,2cl), one uptop and one down low, and 4 br's(10sec,2cl) placed among the map. Also, there are two 0 clip snipers dropped, one behind the double wall, and one at the bottom of the slope. Lastly, 2 plasma nades are placed in front of the double wall, and 2 frags placed by the block in the bottom floor.

    Overall, this map is about 90% similar to growlingrevenge's design, partly because i had trouble matching his design, and i added a couple touches of my own to make the map slightly less ugly.

    Here are the screenshots:


    View of top

    Another view of top

    View of Bottom

    Another view of bottom
    [​IMG]Well that concludes this map. Unfortunately this is not my design, but i brought it to myself to forge this and post this to see what you think about it, so please leave feedback

    Download Antisaint
  2. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    Looks good. I love 1v1 maps. Looks a little small but what do I know. Good work!
  3. forgenarb

    forgenarb Ancient

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    what i love about this map is that all of my friends are going and playing modern warfare, so its always a struggle to get a full party, and at the same time as this, all the maps seem to be getting bigger and bigger, and requiring more and moar people. i've really been looking for a well made, and well thought out 1v1 map i can use and thank you for providing me with that.

    btw, did you ask growling for permission to use his sketchup?
  4. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    well i forged it w/o his permission but i asked him about 2 weeks ago for permission to post it, and he never responded. And i heard he has made a post onto mlgpro forums since 2009, so he's inactive
  5. OptickzzZ

    OptickzzZ Ancient
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    I "was" GrowlingRevenge, I made a new gamertag and decided to make a new mlgpro account with it. I think its awsome you built it, I didnt think anyone had intrest in it, ill add you on XBL if thats cool.
  6. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    yea man np, it was a sweet design, except it was actually pretty hard to make, that lift took me a while.

    anyways glad youre still around, i had no idea.
  7. MisterRemy

    MisterRemy Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool, bro. I think a couple of handrails would give it a nice touch.
    Looks solid for a warm-up map; I like the angles as well. Lighting looks good... I don't think there are enough ramps on the first floor leading up to the second, but I'm not sure, like, there's just vertical ways of getting up on the first floor, (Lift and jump up/ drop down.) But honestly, I don't know how well it would play, just speculation. Nice map bro. Definite download for me.
  8. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, I can't say that I've played it yet, but I'll download for sure.
    One thing, the bottom floor looks very boring compared to the upper level, is the only way up and down via the dropdown/lift? I can't really tell from the available pictures.
  9. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    well if i was to make the bottom exciting, it would cramp it up too much. Also, it is hard to tell with the screenshots, but on the opposite side of the lift/dropdown, there's a slope to the right of that sniper below that allows you to get up top. Also, theres a mini jump-up that can be taken from either the left or right of it.
  10. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    While 1v1 maps are generally rather entertaining and most people won’t turn down an opportunity to play one, this map was not fun in the least, let alone enjoyable. There were simply too many issues with this map, namely the spawns. First of all, spawn camping was so easy to do that in a game of BR Snipes both players had a Running Riot and multiple Killing Frenzies. A player should not get the first kill then simply sit on top of the map and be able to get 16 kills unanswered, and then turn around and let the other player get a 17 kill streak on them. However that happened in this game. Furthermore, the layout of the map was poor with very few methods of travel between the several layers, and if someone spawned on the bottom then the player up top only had to watch the ramp and listen for a Gravity Lifting sound. The way the lift was made, with the Man Cannons shooting you into it was creative but not very smart, because then a player sitting top could easily toss a grenade in the lift and then wait a couple seconds before have a weak enemy thrown into their BR. The sloppy forging and lack of any real aesthetics to draw a player’s attention signify that this map was most likely build in a very short amount of time which further worsens a player’s opinion of the map. Though you said 2v2 was possible, it was not. The spawn system was not set up to hold so many people, and it wasn’t even set up to hold 2.



    The layout of AntiSaint was more than just bad; there were too many aspects of it that took away from gameplay, and very few that added anything positive to the experience beyond one less thing to complain about. The only power weapon on the map was a Sniper Rifle. A poor choice to begin with because of the size of the map, but there was actually two Snipers, which was just too much if one person managed to get both. But suppose that each player got one sniper as the creator intended; they each had no spare clips so an average player could get usually only manage one kill with it, while a great player could get three at best, unless they got lucky. But when one player held both, seven free kills thanks to the spawn system, regardless of how good the player was. And even that didn’t matter, because the map was so small that those few moments when spawn killing wasn’t an issue the Sniper was used like a mauler, for a Beatdown combo. It was an exceedingly poor choice for this map. The forging was lacking in dedication and patience, or simply talent. It seems as if it could be built in a couple hours, and has no real skill involved in making it. It was sloppy and there were so many bumps that it was hard to walk around in the map, and grenades were lost in the greatest of numbers which is caused much annoyance among both players.

    The actual layout of the map had some intelligence in its design, but not enough to warrant any praise. There were only three ways to travel between floors, and one of them only went down; because of this it was even easier to camp the map. The bottom floor was unbearable boring, and the top floor may have looked cool but it was also bad in its design. And the worst part was the Lift system because any time it was used the other player would instantly be able to locate and destroy they poor soul who made the mistake of lifting at that moment in time with a single well-placed grenade and a single shot to the head. The way it was stretched out halfway across the map only made it worse, and cut off a whole section of the map from being able to be played on. The structure that was created out of double walls on the top of the map was just a bad idea in every form; the back path to get up there made out of short ramps and small wedges was too small and easy to fall off of as well as visually poor, the actual structure itself created a massive power position that was way too easy to spawn camp, and the structure itself was sloppy.



    It was completely and totally inescapable, which is nice, but this is still the worst category in terms of the map. AntiSaint has a grand total of NINE Respawn points. That’s right, nine. Just because its small doesn’t meant that it should have nine spawn points only, that’s just a lack of any knowledge of how spawns work. There was plenty of the budget left over, more than $500 of it, and 91 other Respawn points that could have been utilized to make this map less of a spawn trap. All a player had to do was jump up on top of the center structure and then the other player would only spawn in one of three spots, all of which were in his vision, however it didn’t matter where you were on the top floor because most of the time they spawned in one of those few locations anyway. The few times they were lucky enough to spawn on the bottom floor they still either went up the lift and died, or went up the ramp and died. Whenever the poor spawn trapped player managed a kill, everything reversed with each player trading roles. A 1v1 with two players should NEVER let both of them get a running riot. It should never be that someone could get 16 kills straight, then have a 17 death streak. That signifies how horrible the spawns were in this map, so horrible that they affected almost every other characteristic of the map that had something to do with gameplay.



    There really were not many aesthetics at all. A 1v1 map is not built to be judged by aesthetics, but it is still nice when they look pretty and attractive for everyone to gaze at. This map looked boring, and had a feel of monotony to it that is similar to the feeling one derives from enjoying the same hooker every night for six months. Some strange emotion towards her, a disposition towards her, that she is overdone, overused, and sloppy. The use of the double blocks was not intelligently thought out, and not a single one of them is geomerged! The first thought when this was stumbled upon was ‘Is he using old interlocking techniques?’ I highly recommend that the map creator learn ghost merging if they haven’t already, because it will greatly improve the quality of his next map. The fact that there are no smooth transitions greatly hurts this maps score here, because it is almost impossible to strafe successfully, unless you are on the bottom floor. The use of the filter is very intelligent in AntiSaint, and this is one of the few maps in the crypt that use a filter correctly, creating a dark and doomed feel that leaves the air brimming with tension. However, the rest of this maps aesthetics are average or worse.



    There was nothing original about this map, except for the creative method of the lift system, which in its own right took a whole hell of a lot away from this map. There was nothing new, creative, original, or even unique besides that unless you count the record-breakingly low number of respawn points. But the two minutes of gameplay that came before the spawn trapping were a new experience, if only you could have properly utilized the spawns this map would have been something brilliant. Something new. Something to brag about.



    This map is something unique, something that could have been enjoyed and something that with a little patience could have been remembered for a large amount of time. I downloaded this map, and decided to rate it because the pictures you had intrigued me, and it looked like it could be something totally new, something outstanding. Instead I found AntiSaint was troubled by demons of the worst variety (cwutididthur,) ignorance. If the map maker had taken the time to actually place the spawns correctly and test them, the map could have been good. If he had also made the lift system less suicidal and easier to work with, then it would have been great. And if he had taken time to properly place the weapons, and replace the top structure of the map with something more ingenious then it would have been amazing. Unfortunately, he didn’t. The spawns were the worst part of this map.

    On a side note, this map holds the record for the Single Worst Placed Respawn Point that I have ever seen in my life; it is placed on a ramp, at a bad angle, facing a wall, in the middle of the path, facing distinctly away from any point of interest, and the closest wall is the one that it is facing towards. Even that last wall is far away from reality… If you take the time to make all of your Spawn points the exact opposite of this, you may have an amazing map here buddy, it just needs a small amount of work. Good luck with your next map!

    Enjoyment Rating: 3/10
    Balance Rating: 3/10
    Durability Rating: 2/10
    Aesthetics Rating: 4/10
    Originality Rating: 5/10
    Total Rating: 17/50

    Map Rating

  11. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    its got my DL, ill play it later tonight and ill report back with info.
  12. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ok i didnt ask for a review. The map is that bad? Yea ok

    And im sorry i dont know the most absolutely damn freaking perfect places for spawns. im glad you guys know so much
    #12 Korlash, Jun 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
  13. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I reviewed this map because it looks so damn cool. When first started playing there was about 2 minutes of the most entertaining 1v1 gameplay ive ever had before the spawn trappings started, which means from very little work you could turn this into an easy 8 which is incredible. Fix the spawns, which im willing to help you with, add aesthetics (which i fail at...) and tweak the top mid, then youve got something beautiful. All of the Review Hub reviews are aimed at the map creator, essentially giving them a list of things to fix and how important it is that they fix 'em. I really want to see a v2 on this! Im just going to mention this, but if this is the first map youve made then its well above average in comparison to my first map...

    ♥ Please, make a v2! ♥
  14. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well thanks for admiring the maps looks. I forge a lot of maps often for fun, so none of them have any v2's. However, i have added small touches to my older maps, but improved the spawns massively.

    Unfortuately, this is probably like my 10th map, my 1st one on forgehub is here, but the link on that map is only the cruddy beta version.

    Yea one day i will get to the spawns though, but right now im on vacation. And improving the lift will take critical thinking too. I felt way over my head when i made it at its current state.
  15. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My efforts to improve the map (mainly aesthetically), at the checkpoint towards testing

    take a look:

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 807x454.[​IMG]

    I'm not releasing the v2 yet because i haven't tested it yet. I'm gonna hope to test it soon, because the spawns still look kinda shaky in my eyes

    its not ready yet, but the v2 should rise above a 3.4

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