Sandbox camp,run,kill

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by noobhed, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. noobhed

    noobhed Forerunner

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    This map is a minigame that i saw a vid of on somebody's fileshare. I couldnt help thinking how much fun it would be if i had that map so i made it. Its not the best forged but the jail cell for the zombie is basicly unbreakable so with that said heres what its about

    The objective for the zombie is simple kill the humans. But the twist is your suspended as high as possible and far away from your targets with only spikers to shout them with.

    The humans objective is to stay alive for as long as possible and wait for the road to the vehicals to spawn so you can get in them and kill the zombie.

    Pics Of Map
    player spawn
    [​IMG]Zombie Spawn
    Action Shots
    Download Link
    game type : Halo 3 File Details
    map : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    First off, IMO, a map named "Camp, Run, Kill" won't attract much attention. Most people hate campers (not me) but still. Thats just a thought. On to the map though, I can see not many objects were used in making this which means you can add on.

    - Make the walkway longer. Much longer. Mabye add some cover but not a lot, because the spikers make it hard to hit them anyway. The deployable cover was a good idea so I would keeep that.

    - Clean up your forging. Check out FORGING101 it will help you with interlocking and merging and all that. The zombie box is very sloppy and should be cleaned up.

    - The vehicle Spwn. Put just one so its more of a competition for the humans to get the kill of the zombie.

    Fix these things and this could have potential
  3. noobhed

    noobhed Forerunner

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    Thanks so much lol its my first map and i honestly didnt know if it was good enough lol but the reason the zombie box is so sloppy is because i had to make the front part (the part away from starters) low enough so he couldnt jump out and the back part (part by the starters) high enough for him to spawn it was a challenge. 2nd when i finally finished the map i tested it out and decided it was to short but i couldnt change it you cant simply move the zombie box back but il work on changing it. but thanks for your help =) i rly appreciate it
  4. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    You posted it successfuly!

    V2 needs cover badly. Maybe have an area surrounded by walls with some slit walls throughout and have the spiker dude run around them shooting in. So, from one position you can't get hit, but then the spiker dude circles behind you and kills you.
  5. noobhed

    noobhed Forerunner

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    yep i posted it every1 thinks it fails elaborate on your wall slit thingi or wutever i didnt quite get that and what did you think of the map
  6. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    TBH I think you need to work on your forging. But just keep on trying and you will get better.

    Okay, you have an area (circle, square etc.) and wall it in with ordinary walls and blocks, and have slit walls in it as well. Then the zombie can shoot in at the guys inside, who have some cover to hide behind. If he can't shoot them from one position he moves to another to get the drop on them.
  7. noobhed

    noobhed Forerunner

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    Ok i get it now and i know my forging needs work its not the prettiest but it still does its job for example the zombie box. it looks terible but it gets the job done and the map is playable and in my opinion extremely fun espcially with large amounts of people thanks for ur suggestion the box thing with slits is next on my list lol =)
  8. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Yep, I can see how it checks the box in terms of actually working, but if you look at some of the really stellar maps out there, they look good. And thats is important. I mean gameplay>aesthetics but aesthetics is still important.

    So head over to Forging 101 and crunch those skills. Best way to do that is to make more maps.
  9. noobhed

    noobhed Forerunner

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    yea im workin on it and nok ima make ur box thingi next then ima work on v2 of camp,run,kill i think ima call it sumtin diff but idk what but thx for the idea =) ur guna be the beta tester for the box thing tho so yea..
  10. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Their already is an infection map similar to this, only without the vehicles. And btw, walls on the skybubble grid are very bumpy due to the tilt the grid puts on the walls, so I suggest floating them. Clean it up dawg.
  11. noobhed

    noobhed Forerunner

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    yea i cleaned it up a lil made the road longer and basicly made it better ima rename it and repost a v2 its a lot better

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