WELCOME WELCOME ONE AND ALL!! Sequal to: Left 2 DIE Here's THE teaser http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbD0w_FXH2A Here's the gameplay video YouTube- Halo 3 Forge - Left 2 DIE 2 (Sandbox) Many things have changed since that video was put up. Gameplay: Humans (The four unluckies): -Semi-High health -Slow, about 90% movement -150% Gravity -Can pick up weapons and equipment -Spawn in tiny room -Must make their way to the saferoom at other end of map Zombies: -Low health -Regular Speed -100% Gravity -Cannot pick up weapons -Spawns set up throughout map -Must stop humans from reaching the safe room Tank (Special Zombie, Custom Powerup Traits): -Extremely High health -75% Speed -100% Gravity -Can pick up weapons -Spawns above human starting point -Spicey powerup awarded to stop humans from camping HONOR SYSTEM Okay yes this map has a few flaws that i expect you not to exploit. USE THE HONOR SYSTEM PLEASE when it comes to these issues: -Human Suicide -There seems to be no penalty and it is easy at the bridge seen to do, but it ruins the game and makes it un-fun. -Tank weapons pickup -The only reason the tank can pick up weapons is so he can pick up the grav hammer. He can also pick up the human's weapons, but DONT. It ruins the fun of running from the tank. THESE ARE ONLY SET BECAUSE FORGE HAS LIMITS!! Time for pics HUMAN SPAWN: MORE: OVERVIEW: TEH UBER TANK!!1!!one!11!!: WALKTHROUGH: WEAPONS: MORE!!: WALKTHROUGH PRT 2: CROSS THE BRIDGE!!!: GET TO THE SAFEROOM!!! QUICK!!!: CONGRATS!! UR SAFE!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!! View from bottom: DOWNLOAD MAP: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Happy Huntings!
noooooo, some of the pics dont work!!!!!1one!!1 this map loos awesome and seems to be a great recreation of left for dead. the zombies look to come from anywere which will keep the humans on their toes.
This sequel seems to follow closely to your original, although making it a direct sequel would've been great (making the beginning continue from where the last left off). As I have not actually played this one yet (sitting in queue) I can't judge too much, though I am going to a little. This part seems to lack greatly in length as compared to the first one. The first had many twists and turns and a nice little trek to the end giving the human players a bit of a challenge, but this one looks to have a pretty straightforward mad dash to the holdout area then across the bridge to the end. I'm not entirely sure of the specifics but either way, if the humans have to spend too much time at the holdout, or the zombies have to spend too much time waiting after the humans reach the saferoom, it doesn't seem too good. On the otherside though the ability of the zombies to get to any part at any time does good to add pressure to the humans in their pursuit of the objective and I commend you for that. One big problem in linear infection maps is the inability of the zombies to efficiently find their human adversaries. One more thing I have to call you down on is the map itself. Left 2 Die (the first one) did a great job of providing an urban layout of some sort (especially the building with the safehouse and the scaffolding), but Left 2 Die 2 gives me no similar feeling. A floating construction site maybe, I dunno. Personally the first is better to me overall. Even still, this is being downloaded. Guess I kinda defyed my own annoyance, huh...
In Left 2 DIE 3, i will try to encorperate all ideas from 1 and 2 into it. Thank you all for the feedback now im off to make the third one >:3
Hey this is pretty cool. It does remind me a lot of something from Left 4 Dead. I don't like being able to easily fall though. And it seems like the humans can get to the tank spawn. Can they? oh I like your post too. its pretty humorous