Sandbox Yublariun Slice

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by KdiscKforge, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. KdiscKforge

    KdiscKforge Ancient
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    Trying to do something different here, this map shape may have been done, but I have not seen every map. The asymetrical Yublariun Slice takes place in the Crypt, a wall to the ceiling confines you to 1/4 of the total space in the Crypt like a slice of bread, hence the name. This wall has ledges and exposed rooms connected by cat-walks and mancannons (all of them) and an expensive elevator. All grav lifts (equipment) are placed to ease your travels. You will find getting to a spot can be done rather quickly. It is impossible to escape without a glitch. If infection is played Zombies can be maxed out, with gravity maxed out you will be bouncing aroud and hard to control, if thats your cup of tea then have fun. Infection spawning takes place on the bottom, human spawn next to elevator, zombies at the other end, humans can move up levels faster, being next to elevator. This my second post, also this map is 100% ghostmerged and took about 2.5 weeks off and on forging. I was not going for perfection here, there might be a bump or 2. (The wall is pretty straight though) This was much easier to construct than the Yublariun-Plaza map even though it looks more complicated.

    If anyone cares to figure out the glitch to get to the back side of the wall, & does it. you know Halo! HINT- If 2 words in this thread are combined, do the same inside the map. It’s very difficult and takes time during game play you will get killed

    Thanks to all who help test. terminator917, thejerkcrew, jamskate-king, boostedfreak, usmarinesbd, splatmonkey, froobatronics jimmy537, & csem

    It supports slayer and infection

    1 signature Mongoose

    a variety


    This Is the backside game-play takes place on the other side

    Looking from the top down



    Elevator Shaft




  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks frickin crazy... in a good way. I like how everything is multi-layered and the map is very unique.
  3. goop

    goop Ancient
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    *Whistles* impressive. Make sure people can get to the top easily thou, by the way you spelled infection wrong. I love the 3d gameplay though!
    #3 goop, Jun 14, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2010
  4. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    wow looks amazing man, it reminds me of sword base
  5. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    What is this I don't even...

    Seriously, though, I love the vertical gameplay. Vertical play is something unique that I always wanted to experiment with, but never got around to. Good job. You may want to post a gameplay video.
  6. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ummm...whoa...wat is going on here? lol I jsut might have to find out for myself. It looks like an epic piece of forge and im DL now.
  7. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    AHHHHH i wanna play snipes on it right are my new favorite person, ive tried making these and i lose patience, but yes someone finally made a good vertical gameplay map.
  8. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
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    I could probably see this in featured, just saying. This is a fresh idea that is much appreciated about now. Its nice to see people keeping their thinkers thinking since Halo: Reach is around the corner, is it just me.
  9. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    No it is not, back about a year ago there was a map that won the bungie forging contest that was a giant upright seven. It played exactly like this, and it still wasnt even close to the first one of these. While it is not a totally original idea, its still a pretty damn unique and hard to repeat idea. So, despite all these guys up above who missed the few months when twelve of these came out at once saying that your map is the most amazing thing ever, its not. Instead, its one more freaking amazing map that is never going to get deleted from my HD. Stellar job here, buddy. Im impressed.
  10. KdiscKforge

    KdiscKforge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool, thanks for the replies. If someone plays it I would like to here about the flaws
  11. PWNAGEStudioz

    PWNAGEStudioz Forerunner

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    Multi level and vertical combat? That is rare to find in forge maps. Good job!

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