UNOC-Personal Cruiser. By:Koreboosest Jake aka Kore99X What is the UNOC?: The UNOC is known as United Navy of Civilization. IT's a Brand name of civillian starcrafts.The Military shouldn't be the only ones that get to fly in space.With the UNOC, Civillians get to see the galaxy for them selves. Just for looks, no gametype. Map Details: A Small starcraft, with very cramp space.Comes with weapons, in case of rebel attack. Bed-1 Flares-1 Firebomb Flares-2(Instant spawn Time.) Laser-1 Shotgun-1. Now for Pics. Overview: Front view: Underview(Bow chicka bow wow): Back and top view: Entrance: Bed, and cockpit(Bow chicka bow wow): Flare: Shotgun and Laser: View out the Cockpit: Me throwing firebombs at the stars: I hope you liked the pics, and you enjoythe map.And i hope this might inspire some people to make UNOC starcrafts, not just military starcrafts. Map : Halo 3 File Details And updated Map version is coming soon,Inspected gametype is an Territorites gametype..
This is a really neat idea for a map. But can it actually be played on, like, could you play Slayer on it or is only for looks? Other than that question all I have to say is its well merged, and obviously had some time put into it. Kudos to you.
This is a pretty good map. And i can personally say i havent seen this type of ship before so good job. PS . to the 2 post's above me Aesthetic maps are not and should not be expected to have a supporting gametype's
Woah. I posted something taking time and date from the post above me. Vantier, this was posted in June. How far did you dig?