I have never made a map on long shore, but i recently got finished with one, and I'm still continuing to test the game. This map is for an infection game type that i made to suit the map perfectly. I'm not sure what many people might think about the game play, but so far in the testing, it has been going really good. It is a move to point A to point B style map, similar to "helps on the way", "move for 5 min", and "I hear its safe on the other side." The map work similar for the zombies too. A really long line of 11 teleporters for the zombies to go though and quickly reach the action. The walk to the end is extremely long using almost all of long shore. Ill tell you what the ending is when i have the final version posted. I use much of the map to make the path for the journey. The only issue that i have is the confusing 11 teleporter system that over whelms the players eyes when they look at it, and then trying to chose a teleporter to get to the humans, especially when your not sure if that teleporter is what you want. Iv tryed using weapon holders to label the stage areas of the map. In total there are 4 stage areas. I don't want to get in to much detail because i don't like spoiling things. so ill just show pictures.
The teleporter system will be guaranteed to confuse people. It is the main failing that I can see with your map. Perhaps simplify it with four teleporters- one per stage area. And then have multiple receiver nodes, on the same channel within that stage area, connecting to the relevant sender node. This means zombies will be liberally spread around the currently active area. And even have the 'receiver nodes' as two ways to allow zombies faster travel around map. But you have to either incorporate that and allow human use or prevent them from doing so. Either way would work fine.
I like what your saying, but i cant do one per stage because i gave strategic ambush points to make the balancing for the zombies correct. Ill try to group them in the stages they belong, but i don't have a whole lot of area to make that happen. Ill try a zombie re spawn switch to make it a little more common since to know what teleporter to go threw at the right time. It almost seems impossible to make it easier, but i know i can get this done right. I just got to get my ideas organized to fix this right.
If you can get it working, good, but a new player-or even someone who has played it a couple of times-will have trouble working out what goes where, thus nullifying the strategic ambush effect.
I love these zombie escape maps, but the teleporters are very confusing. Helps on the way does it fantastically. It just has a the receivers on rooftops so the zombies have a view of their surroundings. Although with this map is see an obvious way to escape. In your 3rd picture the receiver node in the blue box has no back to it, so a zombie could stay in the teleporter, walk backwards, and hop up on any part of the map.
if he were to hop out, he wont find another way in. His gravity is not low enough to just jump at the humans where every he wants. besides if you look at the top right of the picture, thats where he spawns, lol, so why would he go round again just to go though the same teleporter? oh and its open because the teleporter gets blocked if i push it in more and close it off. I'm not sure how it does.
I really loved playing this... especially with all of those ninja spots that I used to jump down on people and assassinate them.
Im tellin you zombie on spartan action would be the best name! Any way I like the map and how gameplay promotes teamwork while using that run for your life style of gameplay at the same time.