Hi, First time on Casual Maps, normally more of an Aesthetic Maps type of guy. Which brings me to Frogger. I love the gametype, but got a little bored of the Pond Jumping map. I wanted to take Frogger and place it in a context I am more familiar with - ships... In particular, aircraft carriers. In total there are 7 carriers in formation: The object is to jump the warthogs from one to the other: An enemy sub is trying to stop you: But if you make it to the end, you can stop it: And here is the entire battle: There are telporters on each carrier to help you if you lose your vehicle. It is probably a bit harder than Pond Jumping, but it is possible to make it all the way: YouTube - Carrier Run DOWNLOAD Also the Frogger gametype [not mine]
Dude this looks really fun, i cant wait to play this with some of my friends! But, it just looks like an aesthetic update to almost three fourths of all custom games already out; you are weak and running in a circle with one strong dude shooting you, once you get to the end you have to kill him for points. Its been overdone, and i think you could have taken the time to add more stratagy or possibly make it much more creative. Which, you still could do.
He even said in his original post that this is a remake, and not an original idea. He simply took a previously made map, added beutiful aesthetics, and redid some parts of the gameplay. It isn't meant to be original or new, hence the term "remake" Good job, barc0de, I applaud you on a well-made map.
how often would you say the jumps work? also, do you mean this is a remake of another halo map you've seen or a remake of frogger, a different game entirely btw i completely love how simply you made the ships, and submarine, but they managed to be very functional and easily recogniseable, not an easy thing to do.
This is pretty nice to waste some time or something with friends : ) The jumps always land which is a plus. Only thing I could really suggest, if you haven't hit you're item limit is put some guard rails up at the land base of the jumps. Great job on something that is fun : )
Thanks for the feedback. If you hit the mancannon straight on with a warthog you will easily make the jump. There is a little bit of leeway either side, but I wanted this to be a test of jumping skill, hence no guardrails. Mongooses are more difficult to jump, generally you need a longer run up. The design of the carriers was tricky, it had to look like a carrier, but still give you protection from the sub. It also had to be cheap and easily reproducible so I could fit as many on the map as possible.
Like the Carrier very Diff... Um looks a Little Cooler then Pond Jump will Download once Hard drive Gets space
Little confused about a sub with a cannon like that. I'd have done a battleship or destroyer if anything. I like the map and do have fun on the game type, but not very fond of being in a game where someone can just hide behind walls the whole time... especially if you get killed quickly. It's no fun watching people hiding the whole time. I prefer maps be more open so there's more of a sense of urgency to keep moving. I'm glad you went with mongooses and chaingun warthogs. I hate it when people put gauss hogs and choppers because there's always an idiot that thinks he's funny and shoots at people when they're about to hit a mancannon.
I chose a sub over a battleship for a couple of reasons. First to visually distinguish it from the carriers, second because a battleship would never get anywhere near a carrier fleet. Also subs used to have cannons, so it's not that outlandish. I put the spawns on top of the first carrier, so people have to move quickly to get to safety, if someone is inactive the tank can shoot them easily. If someone decides to hide on a carrier and not do the jumps, well its a casual game and honor rules apply.
1.) Please merge the mancannons into the ramp. Not only does it look tacky, but it affects the jump. 2.) Angle the mancannon downwards more, this reduces the number of times the vehicles bounce around on landings. 3.) I hate the way the mongooses are facing the wrong direction at the start. If the mongoose doesn't back up to where the hogs are, they may not make the jump due to the way vehicles stop when they hit the ramp and because the mancannon is not merged. 4.) You may want to consider merging a small ramp at the bottom of the ramp, it reduces vehicles smacking into the ramp. 5.) For some reason I can see people pushing other vehicles off the side on purpose due to how this is laid out. Don't get me wrong, I think aesthetically it looks pretty good... but more often than naught people don't take actual game situations into consideration.