Dome. This map is ridiculous to recreate, and I got a feelin' that I bit off more than I can chew this time. When I started this I figured it would be a peice of cake, but after 2 weeks of work, I'm not satisfied with this Dome remake. That brings me to my question: Scrap or keep? You be the judge Keep in mind that this map is a little over half completed, so please don't tell me to put railing or something
What game is this from? From what I see of the map, I want to buy the game It looks very clean from what I can see, nice job on that. Could you post some pictures of the original map so we can see how much more you have to go?
It's from Call of Duty World at War. I think a video would be better YouTube - Call of Duty World at War Dome Gameplay
The original map is from World at War. I hated Dome in COD, so I don't think it would be good in Halo. As far as your map goes, there is no use going to all the work to make a map and not put it out. It looks like a decent remake, submit it to the foreign treasures, and the rest is in the hands of the judges.
It looks excellent as far as remakes go, I say keep it. Dome was one of my favorite maps from World at War, and that's saying a lot because I honestly hate Treyarch to death...
Finish the map, then go see what you have left, and if you have enough then you should be good. Dont start that until the end. Meanwhile, this is coming along beautifully, do NOT scrap it.
Dome Rules from what most People say Don't scrap it Keep it and thats my Saying also Don't Scrap the Idea.