MLG Impurity v2 <--Download Created by Korlash The entire thread is edited Supported Gametypes: MLG TS, CTF (a fast paced 5-flag gametype), 2-4 players Map Description: Impurity is a fast paced 2v2 CTF/slayer map that i had designed a while back. My first version of this had rediculous cover that blocked Lines of Sight and too many spawns that cluttered up gameplay. The v2 version has most cover removed or changed and the spawn placement is guaranteed to be much better. I have been observing the spawns on the popular mlg maps, big and small, and so i'm trying to learn good spawning. This map, like before, is an attempt to combine aesthetics with good gameplay, which is up to you to tell. It consists of 2 average bases with double blocks forming paths on the ends. In the middle there is a central double block linked by thin column bridges from each non-base corner, and has a mauler placed top-mid. In the nonbase corners, there is one frag and there are columns placed and bent from the end of the bridge to the wall near it, with a carbine leaning on each column. The bottom floor is more open now, which has a br leaning on the bridge support blocks, and there are 2 plasma nades under each base. Weapon set: It was mostly explained above, but this has more details -1 Mauler (150 sec; 1 clip) ;drop spawned on top mid -2 carbines (90 sec; 2 clips) ;1 leaning on the column in each nonbase corner -6 BR's (10sec; 2 clips) ;Symmetrically layed out, 2 in bases, 1 on each support beam And now, screenshots of the v2 map: Overview Blue Base Red Base Blue Midview Red Midview Alrighty, thats the map. for the so few DL'ers, i promise that this version is a significant improvement compared to the last version DL link is on the title or right below Download MLG Impurity
why are all your screens at te end of the game? the red stuff gets in the way.i like it tho names kinda strange cuz this map is PURE awesoem
ah it doesnt block the important parts of the map, but it could help to get those off. But if u look at the last screen, my symbol is right on my head
k i didnt want to make a new thread for the v2, but i still want to bump it back up to try to grab attention. but this v2 is really a different map
This should be only for 2v2.. - Too small - Too Covered Weapons, Too much mid-long range weapons.. Since this is a small-ish map.. There should atleast be less BRs and Carbines.. but more close range weapons such as SMGs and plasma rifles.. The map is "ok" with its asthetics.. The middle is too plain.. The extra pillars are one original asthetic I havent seen.. The bases are too simple.. You just stacked blocks at an angle to make it look alittle pleasing.. Same with the red and blue collumns on each base.
Well i know that much its not super aesthetic, but i still tried to make it look nice. Before i had WAY too much cover so i tried to reduce it, and improved the spawns drastically, but still imperfect. Anyways, I really never thought about adding SMG's and plasma rifles. Are they actually legal in MLG? cause youre absolutely right about the carb/br situation Thanks for the feedback though @bakedninja: Yea i do see good hill spots, but i think this map is incredibly small for koth
List of MLG accepted weapons - Battle Rifle - Sniper Rifle - Carbine - Rocket Launcher - Mauler (not in excess) - Plasma Pistol (not in excess) - Plasma Rifle (not in excess) - Frag Grenades - Plasma Grenades - Custom PowerUp (MLG OS) - Overshields - Active Camo You probably should've done a little research on MLG maps before you made one, especially if you don't even know the accepted weapon-set.
ah well i knew about all the other weapons and powerups, i just never think about the plasma rifles cause i never see them on the popular maps