"Not what you expected, huh?" 3-8 players. Background: In the few lucky times I had to play on Longshore, there was one thing which consistently bothered me: throughout virtually all the games, there wouldn't be so much as a shot fired on the Attackers side of the map. Such is something we can all relate to, I think; more so on Longshore than on many other maps, the Attacker's side of the map is, for the most part, desolate of game-play. Why does this bother me? Because the base and open geometry leave so much that could be done using the space, and yet nothing is. So Shore Leave was born. Out of the waters of desire, I went about making a map to make use of the forlorn Attacker's side of Longshore. The result is a multi-level, highly interconnected map centred around that same base. Contrasting the long sight-lines of Main Street and the Catwalk with the close quarters of the Backlot and Building, Longshore aims to deliver casual, yet still competitive, game-play for small groups of players. But, it's not yet done: while I think I have the basic geometry that I want to use more or less set, I'm looking for some help on spawn setup, game-type placement, weapon selection, and general feedback. If you could have a look and give me any (or a combination) of those, I'd be very grateful. On to the pictures: Map Shots: Overview of Building, showing Dock (bottom center/right), Back Alley (left), and Catwalk (upper center). Main Street, showing Front Alley (left). Looking down Main Street from Dock to Backlot. Backlot. Interior of Building. Top of Building. --------------------------------------------------- Cheers, -=Moxus=-
Hey, I like your idea of using a place where no one ever kills each other. It looks incredibly small. Maybe it could work as a 1v1? Anyways, hit me up on XBL. I'll try to help you when I can.
First of all, chill out with the -=moxus=- thing after every post you make. But about the map, it really isn't anything special. Not to be a **** or anything, but I feel like you need to make some drastic changes in geometry as well as height variation to catch my eye dawg. I also feel like that their is too many crates lying around. Clean it up a bit.
Im no expert, but I would be happy to help out with placement decisions concerning spawns, weapons, and objective objects. My gamertag is E iNGLouRIouS 3. If you add me as a friend, I will be one frequently, and will accept and hopefully help you out within a couple days. Feel free to ignore this if you no longer need help, or do not want mine.
I thought we had settled that via PM? I realize that the map itself leaves more than a little bit to be desired in terms of flare, but Shore Leave was designed more to accent the existing geometry than it was to build new. As for height variation, you'd be surprised how much verticality this map has; there are three distinct levels with presence on the Building, the Catwalk, and the Backlot, all of which are accessible by multiple means on the ground. This means that players are encouraged to, and are able to, take advantages of height differences. As for the crates, I'll have a look into that. Thanks for the input! -=Moxus=-