I was playing MW2 today and was trying to find a match. I went to my recent players and joined one thinking I was going to get into a match. Instead it took me into a private match on wasteland with mods. Upon entering it said "Status Verified" so I promptly signed out. When I got into a real matchmaking I had a jtag mod with an aimbot, allowed me to see through walls, auto-reloading weapons, and everyone that was killed floated into the sky. Does anyone know how I can get rid of it? It infected every profile on the xbox.
Try shutting off your Xbox and turning it back on. If that doesn't work, delete all of your profiles, and then recover them from Xbox Live. Let me ask, why would you want to get rid of that?
Yeah I heard that if you get 'infected' the only way to get rid of it is to turn your Xbox completely off. I think it's kinda cool though but I understand why you'd want or get rid of it. Good luck
Why in the world would you want to get rid of that??? Thats like being handed an oppertunity to pwn some noobs hardcore, the possiblities are endless.
Nobody would ban you. It's modern warfare 2, and as the developers have shown, they don't give a crap about anything anyone does in that game. Or the game at all. They haven't fixed anything, false host migrating, danger close, commando + marathon + lightweight, grenade launching, killstreaks, etc. I'd definitely take full advantage of this, it's the only way they'd stop it happening. It's why they patched the javelin & models. But since then, it looks like they've given up with the game, and continued with firing their employees, and laughing happily at their bank statement. Also, do you know anyone who has video evidence of this mod thing? I'd like to see it. Also, glad it got resolved.
So who was the guy with the mod so I may take advantage of the opportunity? I'm a noob who can't win without cheating you see....