I have been experinceing quite a bit of lag on xbox live i have comcast as my Isp here is the speed test Can anyone tell me if they have probolms too? i live in orlando,fl
a lot of other people have bad internet and more xbox games have very little server interaction creating lagy games
I think all xbox games should be required to have dedicated servers... It really rids of a lot of frustration.
That was my bad, Omega, Halostriker, Gun slinger, and I were playing a Far Cry 2 map that crashed the servers. LOL
At a 95 ping, that means that your connection is taking nearly a good 100 ms to get to the server, and probably the same on the way back. That's nearly the same time as what our reaction times, as a gamer, is...somewhere in the 150-300 ms range. If you reset your connecting to your server, you should get a speedier connection...unplug your router or modem for 30 seconds (doesn't need to be anywhere near exact), then plug it back in. We call that a power cycle, and should reset your connection to the server. Though you're far away from the server, that's my best bet. Edit: Nevermind, just checked my own connection and got ~85 ms, so I guess that it's both ways ping. I'd power cycle your router anyway. In addition, if you're having a storm or something of the like, that can cause connection problems.