i need help. im currently have several maps in progress but ive hit snags in every one of them. i get an idea scribble it down and refine it, but when ive made that bit, then my mind goes balnk. has this happened to anyone else and what should i do?
Hmmm. belly if u cant find any1 else before (that i know you will) ill help with your maps but i cant now because my disk tray is bust and has been for about a week so im trying to fix it. any ways good look with your maps
hey anemone. its not help with the map i need, its getting past my blocks, but thatnks anyway. ps. i wondered where youd been
erm yea i knew that i was just messing...erm...yea. so u get good idea for a map,do that part and just blackout on idea's. my advice is drink some coffee just for fun.Sorry cant help XD
A few options 1: Just throw around ideas at random sloppily until you like one and build it smoother then. 2: Look for ideas from other people and other maps. 3: What I do: don't do anything and wait for a better idea to come to you.
so i have tons of ideas, i just get bored of forging. add me on xbl and i can see if i can think up of some cool ideas.
THIS I do this quite a bit actually. It's not to the point where i'm stealing the map from them. I use the same sort of concept and build my own map off of that concept. Just be sure you don't steal the map though like I said earlier. Or, you can get some ideas from 2 or 3 maps and put them together into one map. Trust me bro. Sooner or later something will come to your head. Just give it some time. I usually think of maps while i'm walking or just relaxing. I actually thought of a map last night walking on the Beach. But I can't forge it until I get back XD.
Yeah, same problem I have. I hit a snag and stop forging. It's funny, if I plan it out, I don't finish. But If I don't then I do.
what sort of barriers do it hit? errrrrm... its usually because i cant think of what to forge next or I cant seem to get my ideas from head to hands to forge.
Don't work hard to be creative. If you're frustrated that you can't think of anything, wait. Don't trash it unless you know that is a project you will not want to continue. For most people, being calm and relaxed helps them get ideas. Haha. That happens to me all the time. What I draw on my paper always is out of proportion to my map in forge. I think you just get better with doing it over and over again.