Cartographer was a map I started around a month ago. I didn't really forge on it much though since I didn't have a lot of time. Cartographer is meant to be a Slayer/FFA/OddBall map. But as you can see in the pictures below, not much is done. I ran out of ideas for it. So I decided to put it up for adoption, I know there are people here who can think of ideas that would probably be better than what I would've thought of. Who ever wants it, tell me your GamerTag and I will be more than happy to send this to you. MOST OBJECTS ON THE MAP ARE BUDGET GLITCHED, SUCH AS BLOCKS, COLUMNS, ETC.
Did you copy Rorak Kuroda's arch posted in his preview? Because his map has some progress on it and it looks incredibly gorgeous right now.
I knew nothing of that. I just was playing a Halo mission with one of those Holo-Rings and though it would be cool for a map.
Not to be mean or anything, but I don't think anyone will want this because it looks like Rurok Kudora's map and you barely did anything on here. But I could be wrong.
That's exactly what I was thinking. But Rorak Kuroda's looks looks much more advanced. Don't get me wrong this one looks cool too. I would love too see how this map would come out because it does have its differences.
I'm sorry if it looked like I copied it. I honestly didn't. I may actually start to work on the map again maybe. But I still am stumped on ideas. Does anyone know maybe some ideas that could work for this map?
Well, you kind of need bases. Where will they be? Will the circle be the center of the map. What paths will players take from one base to another. Will the map be symmetrical? Is there a certain theme to the map? Those are some ideas to try and get your mind going. If worst comes to worst, recreate the structure on a piece of paper, and try adding more shapes to make it more interesting. Remember, when designing, don't be afraid to try something that might not work. If it fails, you can always try something else.